need a hand? no. name's ted. hey howard. what is that, an arctic cat? what do those go for? howard, you seem like a reasonable kind of guy. lets you and me talk. he was pretty spry for a man with a herniated disc. couldn't find you. i've been hearing that for 13 months and six days, cam. after a while, it gets a little old. next time, okay. raymond, isn't it? by move on you mean? i understand mr. barnell, but here's the thing. with no actual body, under alaskan statutes a person must be missing for seven years before he or she can be legally declared dead and that's not withstanding an investigation period where concerned parties can take up to another year to file interventions concerning the motion. so, even though your brother's status is undetermined at this point, there's really very little we can do for you. oh, absolutely. hey tiff. "if you like frozen enchiladas, getting caught in the rain. if you're not into. something brownish." aren't you with a customer? so? how's the tea leaf business today? you here from that software distributor guy? english, please. jeez, tiff. no, but then again i'm not a computer aided pseudo psychic, so if you're looking for moral equivalence. tiff, please. i always get these wrong. don't you have a customer? no. i'm not doing it. exactly. our only relationship problem is you're running a $1.99 a minute carny scam out of my living room. what? i meant ours. ours, ours, ours. i take it you're done? wanna hit some of mine? now this is definitely a violation of golf dome policy. woods. so maybe later i can. check your grip? my dirty talk sucks? you know in some states they actually do this outside? that's not the point, tiff. i've busted my ass for liberty capital. i don't want to quit. i deserve to be promoted out of this ice bound backwater. i can't believe you said that. you know you are. hello? you're kidding me. yeah, i'll hold. million dollar life policy just checked. look, if this is. who i think it is, i may have found us a ticket out of here. you won't even know i'm gone. could you? so what's your line on this? would it surprise you to learn his brother tried to cash in his policy two weeks ago? doesn't that make you the least bit suspicious? but shouldn't you-- detective, we're an insurance company, not the salvation army. just doing -- this isn't a standard case. you were there when this guy came in looking to cash in. c'mon, it stinks. mr. branch, i'm sure head office would take a rather dim view of our -- stop looking at me right now. lunch. the police say they found raymond's wallet, that's how they tracked you down? any idea what he was doing out there? how sporty. was he a big hiker? did he hike more than once a week? or was this a. one time thing? just trying to tie up a few loose ends. yes sir. it shouldn't take more than a few days. now, tell me a little more about your brother. the hiker. yeah, hi, it's ted watters from fidelity mutual. i need a complete credit work up on a raymond barnell. and paul, a paul barnell too. sure, i'll hold. can you take care of it? i'm kinda. working on something. i went to see him. trust me. something's not right. i can smell it. help me buy a week. i promise from now on you can come along on everything. i'll try. yes. hey. what about thirty minutes or free? so nine months of the year your guarantee is worthless? they should really tell people when they order. i know that. i'm just saying. you understand though? it wouldn't take much. the problem with people today is they don't expect anyone to tell the truth. we've just come to accept lying as acceptable. tiff, it has nothing to do with. look, just forget it. want to know what's "with" me? i'm on the verge of cracking the biggest case of my career, one that corporate has to notice, and nobody gives a crap. not my boss, and not even my girlfriend. no, it's not your fault. i just want to live somewhere where road hazards don't have antlers and the pizza doesn't have to be delivered by dogsled. all these yours? i'm fine. did you talk to raymond at all when he came home? was he getting along with his brother? waved? was he much of an outdoorsman? mrs. wherry, i'm sorry, but -- i'm sorry, did you say you thought it was paul who did your driveway? that's really super, simon. now how'd you like to run some names for me? simon, i'll call you back. sorry. turns out our mr. barnell is mortgaged to the nuts. his business is about one step away from chapter 11. plus it's like his brother raymond never existed. he's got no credit history, no nothing for the last five years. yes, but he was in florida, someplace. plus, the only thing he did after his recent "reappearance" was get some new id and a new credit card. didn't charge anything. it's something. watters, claims. yeah, hang on. it's personal. i promise. mr. barnell. there was no hurry on this, we could wait until-- i see the media's here. they don't give people a moment's peace, do they? really? and you'll just happen to mention your heartless insurance company that hasn't paid off your policy yet. you are breaking my heart. enjoy your press conference, mr. barnell. they came in through there? how much? fax over your estimate. we'll have you a check by friday. this is a simple case, cam. bad guys, through roof, stole stuff. let's clear it and get going. cam? you wanna wrap this up? gotta go primary some time. shhhh. this is the important part. i don't have any complaints about my. you. yeah. he beat the hell out of some guy in bar fight. broke the guy's eye socket. yeah? mr. barnell. why are you staying out here? kind of understandable i guess. seeing as how you killed that man and dumped his body out in the woods. no. not raymond. definitely not raymond. i thought it was at first, but that's what was throwing me. my tone, mr. barnell? you are going to jail. i will personally see to that. you are a liar and thief. hey. how'd you get all cut up? i caught that, yes. you don't think i did this? now just hang on here. let me show you something. see? where's the birthmark? your brother's police report listed it. ". large purple birthmark, upper left thigh" but i don't see it. not on this body. you can see it in the picture. see? did it now. well how in the world did that happen? he did not. oh for. he's lying. it's obvious he. sir, with all due respect, he's -- fine, i understand how this looks -- why? i'll go get him. mr. barnell. i have your check. i was mugged. the cops say it was just a random act of violence. but who knows, right? you'll have to sign. that's quite the shell. that and a million dollars. things really worked out for you, didn't they? lots of cash, newly single guy. so you gonna head down to club med? see how much fun a big bank roll can buy? can we level with each other for a moment? did you -- that's quite the display. congratulations. why are you here? forget it. i'm trying to. car trouble. absolutely not. blowing town, are we, mr. barnell? i don't think so. yeah? hello? hello? no, she's. hang on, she's on her way -- give me the headset. what's she saying? what. wha. find out where she. ask her. you're sure this is it? i'll call later. excuse me? god, now's so not the time, tiff. but what? ok. come on. i've been cutting you out of my life and as a result our normal communication channels have been blocked. i think you coming with me would. would. i'm not being anything. swear to god. cause if you don't, then i'll have to stay, and i'll be mad at you and eventually we'll break up over it, and as bad as my life is right now, that would make it a million times worse. doesn't sound like much of a game, but. i can talk about anything? sure. i guess. maybe his wife is next. hey, here we are. i'm gonna go talk to him. you mind staying here? soon as i. if he actually is doing. something. i'll wave, alright? that was. excuse me. aren't you. raymond barnell? you're. you're dead? okay, i don't know exactly what's going on here, but if you would come with me to my office, just for a few minutes, it would really help me out with my boss. see, your brother has, and i use this term carefully, stolen a million dollars from my insurance company. now if we-- where do think you're going? no, no, no. i have been beaten, humiliated, had my head squeezed by a guy. and i am getting some answers, right now. well go ahead. i can still kind of hear out of this one. i want a fucking hallmark card or the lyrics to a foreigner rock ballad, i'll go to the mall, mr. barnell. knock yourself out. hey yourself. somewhere close. my three o'clock's been moved up. yeah. the life policy was written on his brother, and he did, you know, die. i may be rationalizing a bit, but ethically i think i'm okay. learning to.