psychic pals. how are you today. mr. williams? well, we are all registered psychics here. i just had a feeling you'd be calling. what's up? your tv remote control? okay. it's stew. i'm not sure it's still good. they're concentrating. i've decided from now on to ignore you when you're ignorant about my work. and it's going very well thank you. mr. williams, i'm seeing sofa cushions. do you have a sofa? good. glad i could help. no, but i did crack that code problem. you know how sometimes when you're running beta versions you -- there was a boo-boo, but i fixed it. psychic pals, how are you today, carol? now i thought we'd agreed god is everywhere, but not specifically in your coffee pot. jeez, ted. do i tell you how to do your job? before you say anything else that may keep us from having sex ever again, let me ask you something. that's why we keep trying. now, love is sacrifice test. if you were in a life raft with me and there was only enough water -- carol? god says he's busy with a famine right now, but you should keep praying. cool. it's just a stupid quiz. psychic pals. is this the first time you've called us mrs? don't call it a scam. excuse me? you've got to learn to channel that rage, margaret. you didn't just call this your living room, did you? i feel someone you really care about, maybe even the love of your life, is being a real pain. now i need you to concentrate. yup. nope. must be all this talk about using your wood. secret? i like it when you try, though. so how many insurance companies are there in the united states? like, a billion. and when it happens, i guess i'll just be another notch on your briefcase. sorry, what was that! you want to take me right here? your mom? on a saturday? what about the first annual golf, sex and pizza triathlon? we don't need a ticket. would you just give him the money already? why you gotta argue with the service industry? if this is another passive. aggressive shot at psychic buddies, all our ads state "for amusement purposes only." you remember being amused, don't ya, honey? what is with you anyway? so this is my fault? you know, even though edward g. robinson wins, everyone like fred macmurray better. hey, little help here. i got pop tarts. this stops now. this case is making me and you crazy, especially you. dead guy's got a record? cool. honey? i think you should read this again. there's nothing to be embarrassed about. a lot of people find talking to a psychic very therapeutic. so what's on your mind, carlos? sure. well, you probably shouldn't break the law if you can help it. are you really sure they're going to do this other thing? don't think, know. how close are you to the other someone else, the one you're trying to protect? listen to me, carlos. your wife is an incredibly lucky woman. i know, relationships are tough, but you do what you gotta do to keep it together, okay? remember, love is sacrifice. now you get tough. and remember, this call is for entertainment purposes only. call me back and let me know how it goes. i'm here, margaret. how you feeling today? what is wrong with you? sorry about that. mrs. barnell? could you speak up a bit? something about the gay mafia taking her to a park to kill her. can you hand me my help line list? margaret, are you sure these are real people in your house? well then it's a good thing you called. nope, not seeing any problems, but hang on, let me really concentrate. she specifically mentioned the cock-sucking turnout up the highway where the snowmobilers hang out. i won't be here. i know relationships aren't all sunshine and roses, but i'm really not having fun anymore, and i don't think you are either. maybe you have to be like this right now, and i'm just not in a good space to deal with it. but. maybe we shouldn't be like this together. really? if you're going to be sarcastic. okay. why do you want me to come? mr. bennett, she's totally cool with it. but listen, you're gonna have to call back. i gotta go help my boyfriend. okay, it's called the listening game. you talk, i listen, and i can't interrupt. then we switch. yes. so this is kind of like a really weird "law and order" episode? and if paul barnell already killed his brother. cool. my turn? now a healthy relationship is. so, do you have a plan here? i guess. so when do we call the cops? that's a very good plan. who? ted, leave him alone. they call this the listening game. mr. barnell, you get to go first. hey. so where you want to go? cool. you alright about everything? good. i like it when you're okay.