hi! miss daniels? they're beautiful! they're just what i wanted! is there a man and a woman? i can't tell which is which. it's what you said, mom. mr. brinkmeyer's feed is no good. i still don't understand how you knew i wanted lovebirds. mitch knows lots of people in san francisco. of course, they're mostly hoods. well, mom, he's the first to admit it. he spends half his day in the detention cells at the hall of justice. mom, please, i know all the democracy jazz. they're still hoods. he's got a client now who shot his wife in the head six times. six times, can you imagine it? i mean, even twice would be overdoing it, don't you think? is smoking fun? could i have a puff? just a little one. why, it's just like air, isn't it? when i grow up, i'm gonna smoke like a chimney! i'll be eleven tomorrow, you know. are you coming to my party? don't you like us? don't you like bodega bay? mitch likes it very much. he comes up every weekend, you know, even though he has his own apartment in the city. he says san francisco is just an ant hill at the foot of a bridge. if you do decide to come, don't say i told you about it. it's supposed to be a surprise party. you see, they've got this whole complicated thing figured out where i'm going over to michele's for the afternoon, and michele's mother is going to say she has a headache and would i mind very much if she took me home. then, when we get back here, all of the kids'll jump out! won't you come? won't you please come? no touching allowed! they must have been after the food, mother. why didn't annie stay for dinner? oh. where d'you want the coffee? what's the matter with them? i think you ought to stay the night, melanie. we've got an extra room upstairs and everything. did you put the cover on that cage, mom? just listen to them! it's working! the fire's working! on our way back from taking michele home. we. we heard the explosion and went outside to. see what. what it was. all at once the. the birds were everywhere. all at once. she. she pushed me inside and. they covered her. annie. she pushed me inside. mother! mitch, can i bring the lovebirds in here? mom, they're in a cage! mitch? why are they doing this? the birds. why are they trying to kill people? i'm. i'm sick, melanie. i want. i want to throw. is she all right? listen! may i take them, mitch? they haven't harmed anyone. mitch, let's turn back. mitch? do. do you think they'll be all right? in the trunk? can they breath?