morning. try my best. yep. yep. right here. bodega bay. right across the bay there. see where i'm pointing? see them two big trees across there? and the white house? nope, just lydia and the two kids. yep. mitch and the little girl. follow the road straight through town 'til it curves off on the left. that'll take you right around the bay to their front door. nope. that's the road. straight through town, stay on your left, right around the bay to the front door. mmmm. mmmm. mmmmmm. 'course, you could get yourself a boat, cut right across the bay with it. the brenners got a little dock there you could tie up at. if that's what you wanted to do. down at the dock by the tides restaurant. ever handled an outboard boat? d'you want me to order one for you? what name? okay. yep? the little brenner girl? alice, i think. harry, what's the little brenner girl's name? the little brenner girl. it's alice, ain't it? it's alice. well, i ain't positive, if that's what you mean. that case, i tell you what you do. you go straight through town 'til you see a little hotel on your left there. not the motel, that's the other end of town. this is the hotel. now you take a right turn there, you got that? near the top of the hill, you'll see the school and right behind it, the church. you head for the school. now just past the school, you'll see a little house with a red mail box. that's where annie hayworth lives, she's the school teacher. you ask her about the little brenner girl. yep. could save yourself a lot of trouble. her name's alice for sure. it's nothing.