seeing him, and then turning away to bend before the cage of strawberry finches. she pokes the pencil through the mesh. the birds are startled into scarlet flight. a trifle annoyed by his manner at first. she is about to inform him, if you please, that she is not a shopgirl. but then something rebellious flashes in her eyes and an idea comes to her. as she realizes she is expected to take one of the canaries out of the cage. she smiles feebly, glances toward the counter where she expects mrs. macgruder to reappear momentarily, and then takes a deep breath. she opens the door to the canary cage, and cautiously puts her hand into it. startled. seething as she stares after him. suddenly, she gets an idea. looking after the car at the curb. smiling at him feebly. exasperated. she looks at the open elevator. she turns to look at the birds. she turns wheel forcefully. at the wheel, she glances out toward the bay. behind the wheel, leaning forward slightly for a look at the town. behind wheel. behind wheel. through the bars of the cage. through the bars, exasperated. smiling. she gets a new idea. she reaches into her purse for the envelope. she looks at the envelope, then tears it up and stuffs the torn envelope into her handbag. she turns back toward the post office. grinning, as she makes for the door and exits. waiting. she rings the bell again: taking cigarette, hesitating. as she gets in behind the wheel. annie's remark is not lost on her, and a quick look of sudden understanding crosses her face. watching, waiting. as she looks toward the house and barn. she starts to duck down. peering over the stern of the boat. as she watches mitch. peering over stern of the boat. she is pulling at the cord which starts the motor. she sits down and grabs the tiller. she looks back over her shoulder, as the boat moves away. the camera is moving with her as she looks toward mitch. reacting to the sudden attack and looking after receding gull. blood is starting down her temple from her hair. a thin line of blood trickling from the cut on top of her head, down onto her forehead and cheek. she seems dazed. she shakes her head in answer to him, then touches the top of her head, looks at her bloody fingers, and then nods weakly. turning to him in surprise, beginning to shake her head. shaking her head, glancing toward the kitchen. pulling the door shut. who stares at the dead bird as annie stoops to pick it up. and then, slowly: serious, introspective. she nods, and then looks up at the sky. suddenly she shudders. looking curiously. turning to mitch. frightened now. swinging the broom, covered with birds. there is anticipation on her face now. she watches mitch coming toward her, her eyes glowing. waiting, anticipating. as first surprised, and then puzzled. the back screen door clatters shut off screen. a small hurt look crosses her face. her face dead serious. her face set and grim, her eyes serious, her words coming slowly and with the chill of horror on them. at the window, her face turned away from lydia. her expression clearly shows that she doesn't know whether cathy is all right. but when she turns to lydia, there is a comforting smile on her face, and her voice is soothing. nearer shot of melanie smoking. same angle. just above waist - bust shot. big head of horrified melanie. big profile of melanie. she turns with back to camera and goes toward school looking at crows as she goes away. the camera follows her for a few paces and then stops so that her image becomes smaller as she goes up steps into through the window. she suddenly looks toward the gas station. looking about her frantically. she turns her face up again to see the descending gulls. she is driven to take refuge in the phone booth. opens the booth doors and starts out with a cry of recognition, but she has barely stepped out when more gulls crash around the booth causing her to go back. opening the door of the booth, yells out to him. realizing that annie is dead, and wondering for a moment what mitch's reaction will be. watching the birds. a look of utter sadness crosses her face. it is clear that she is thinking the birds will reach santa rosa, and eventually san francisco as well. waiting. listening to the curious sound, trying to fathom its meaning. seeing this, making her decision. the sound is still coming from somewhere in the house. she decides to let mitch sleep, picks up a very long flashlight. looking. turning her eyes from the ceiling, determination on her face, and suddenly, her eyes open wide. reacting. in the room, as the owl hits her full in the face. cradled against mitch's shoulder, her face bleeding profusely. frightened, try not to reveal her fear. screaming. her fear growing as the scattered light beams bring back the memory of the attic room and her flashlight battle with the owl. this is too much for her. she screams at sight of the birds, and then turns her face into lydia's shoulder.