the canary in his hand. he is smiling with amused recognition; he lowers the binoculars and dashes out of frame. concerned. grinning. as he watches the car leave. about to swing with the broom again, but the birds are no longer there. a puzzled look crosses his face. he turns to melanie. realizing it's impossible to run. they must stay and fight. turning, seeing, his eyes opening wide. exasperated. as he sees his mother. his face very serious. turning to follow cathy's gaze. the strain showing on his face. he nods briefly. studying his mother, realizing how close she is to breaking. waiting. looking at the lovebirds in puzzlement. there is suddenly a new sound offscreen, the splintering of wood, the tearing sound of bigger beaks. alarmed, he turns. looking at the birds, wondering. asleep. in anger and desperation as he throttles the bird with his hands. he reaches behind him to grab the doorknob again, and is immediately attacked by the other bird. looking back at her. turning toward the side of the road ahead. strained, looking at the road ahead. wrenching at the wheel as the car turns a bend. wrenching at the wheel again, another bend. his face screwed in anguish, tears rolling down his cheeks as he grips the wheel and hits the gas pedal. only a nod, his face streaming tears.