that's a chimney swift, all right. well, these birds live in chimneys, you know. no, i gotta admit this is peculiar. did you have a light burning or something. 'cause sometimes birds are attracted by light, you know. sure is a peculiar thing. i don't think i get you, mitch. do about what? what's more likely, they got in the room and was just panicked, that's all. my wife found a bird in the back seat of her car once. didn't know how he got in there. had a broken leg, turned out. just fluttering all around there. what i'm trying to say, mitch, is these things happen sometimes, you know? ain't much we can do about it. oh, yeah, yeah. how old is she now? yeah. were the kids bothering them or something? 'cause sometimes they'll do that, you know. if you make any kind of disturbance near them, they'll just come after you. i seen that plenty of times myself. now, lydia, 'attack' is a pretty strong word, don't you think? i mean, birds just don't go around attacking people without no reason, you know what i mean? the kids just probably scared them, that's all. well, what would you like me to do, lydia? put out a pick up and hold on any suspicious birds in the area? now, that'd be pretty silly, wouldn't it? no, you got quite a mess here, i'll admit that. maybe you oughta put some screening on top of your chimney seems a little pointless, though. freak accident like this wouldn't happen again in a million years. you want some help cleaning up? well, if there's anything else i can do, mitch. goodnight, lydia. sure is peculiar, i got to say that for it. because i just got back from dan fawcett's place, that's why. now hold it, mitch. you don't know that for a fact. santa rosa police think it was a felony murder. they think a burglar broke in and killed him. there's an ordinance against burning anything in this town, unless it's.