looking at her watch as she wanders around the other side of the cage and then comes face to face with mitch again. going down the steps and to the front door of the shop. she looks through the glass. turning from the car and going into the building. she pauses in the lobby, studies the names alongside the bell buttons. as she turns from the bells to the inner door of the lobby, grabbing the knob. a buzz sounds. she opens the door. as she props the envelope against the cage, and then hurriedly goes down the hallway, intent on retreat. surrendering with a gesture of resignation. she walks down the hall, picks up envelope and puts it in her purse, picks up the bird cage, carries it back to the elevator. the birds are cooing and chirping madly. enters post office. coming out of brinkmeyer's general store, carrying a small paper bag, walking toward her car out front. the camera follows her as she gets in. she opens her purse and reaches in for the paper bag. reaching into her purse again for a fountain pen. she unscrews the cap, braces the card on her closed purse. picking up paddle from deck, beginning to paddle in toward dock. leaping ashore, tying up the boat, reaching down for the cage. she climbs onto the dock and approaches the camera until she is in waist shot. the camera starts to recede in front of her as she walks forward. entering the dining room. hastily, she puts the cage on the dinning room table, props the card up against it, then glances through the lace curtains on the dinning room window. reaching up for the rear view mirror, tilting it to examine her lipstick, touching the edge of her mouth with one hand. she gets out of the car, camera following her to the house. she climbs the porch steps, knocks on the door. there is no answer. puzzled, she begins walking back into the yard. in the distance, she sees mitch, lydia and cathy coming from behind the chicken sheds. she raises her arm in greeting. reaching for small fireplace broom. swinging the fireplace broom. swinging the broom wildly. as she beats away another bird. putting her arm around cathy's shoulders. turning from the window. she goes to the bedroom door, camera following. she opens the door. carrying the cup of coffee. she sets it down for a moment to put on her fur coat, which is hanging on the hall stand. she picks up the cup again, walks to the front door and exits. she turns her attention away from mitch, and walks to the end of the garden toward the shore. a wind is blowing off the water, moving white puffs of cloud swiftly across the sky, whipping the full short shirt of muumuu about her legs as she walks. she stands there silhouetted against the sky for a moment. smiling as she gets out of the car and heads for the school. as she turns toward him. turning the flashlight up toward the ceiling. in the room swinging the lighted flashlight as the birds attack her. swinging the flashlight as the birds attack her.