as the boat comes closer. the boat drifts in toward a second boat tied up at the dock. mitch crosses the docked boat, leaps into melanie's boat. standing and watching. a wind blows off the water. he shivers suddenly, turns up his collar, and heads for the house. swinging at gull and missing. putting the meat onto plate, turning over his shoulder to call into living room. the lovebirds in their cage are making a terrible racket. wrenching the cloth from the coffee table, cups, coffee pot, sugar bowl, creamer falling to the floor as he swings the cloth at the birds. rushing to the fireplace. he is almost knocked over by birds coming out of the opening. he stuffs paper under the logs already in place there. taking the matches. he lights one. a bird hits his arm. he drops the match. he lights another one. rushing to lydia, swinging the cloth at her head. she is hysterics now, babbling. the shriek of the birds is a wild cacophony. ripping at the flaming curtain. he throws it to the floor, begins stamping on it. he stops, looks at her, and then turns toward the house. through the truck as he pulls open the door opposite lydia. he reaches the body. he rolls it over. picking up his hammer, sliding over the shingles to where the ladder leans against the side of the house. coming into the entry hall. he raises his hand, brings it toward the bars of the cage. as the bird strikes at his face. he reaches out with his hands, grasping the bird, letting go of the door knob. another bird flutters into the corridor. getting into car. as he stops the car and looks ahead.