scotch, light on the water. your captain should have shot at them. gulls are scavengers, anyway. most birds are. if you ask me, we should wipe them all out. world would be better off without them. yeah, birds. all they do is make a mess of everything. who needs them? not if they're starting a war. then fight back. get yourselves guns and wipe them off the face of the earth. kill them all. get rid of them. messy animals. i'm going out that way, lady. you can follow me. i haven't finished my drink. take it easy, lady. there isn't a bird anywhere in sight. something like this happened in santa cruz last year. the town was covered with seagulls. they made some mess, too, smashing into houses and everything. they always make a mess. we're better off without them. all right, all right! hope you figure this out, folks.