could you ask them to lower their voices, please? they're frightening the children. hurry, children. finish your lunch. excuse me, may i have a check, please? yes, i. i'm anxious to get on the road. i'm glad you all think this is so amusing. you've frightened my children half out of their wits. keep quiet. if that young lady saw an attack on the school, why won't you believe her? birds did. crows! and you're all sitting around here debating! what do you want them to do next? crash through that window? quiet! why don't you all get home? lock your doors and windows! put on your coats, children! what's the fastest road to san francisco? where do i get it? then let's go. now! put on your coats! do you want to get trapped here? look in your sleeve! were the santa rosa police at your school today? are you coming? i'll never feed another bird as long as i live! can't you please finish your drink? i'm leaving! are you coming? why are they doing it?! why are they doing it?!