nasyekski. you first. there's over eighty thousand here. put it in the cases. split it up. and don't forget you owe me 150. you know what for. i got you those trousers from paul smith. such as? those aren't presents. that's normal friendship stuff yeah it was okay. the sets were good. so. how many times did you have to fuck him? what do you mean? do you want to stop? we'll stop then. what's this? that's not a burn. on both wrists? yeah. thank you. what? a baby? what are we supposed to do with a baby? i love you. i don't need to tell you that. i wouldn't leave my child would i? you know that. i was confused. that's all. it wasn't easy for me. you know what i'm like. i needed to know what i wanted. now i know. it's simple. i'm happy. you still love me? eh? of course you do. come here. yuri won't be here for a while. come on babe. what the fuck is he doing here? that's that cigarette lighter i gave you isn't it? what? what are you doing? what. you're what? you're with this creep now. you have. you've actually fallen for this prick. babe it's me. i won't let you get away. don't do this.