when communicating he is good at selecting the most efficient methods and displays effective verbal communication skills. on one occasion john showed first class communication skills in a delicate customer situation. initiative. john is reasonably quick to volunteer whenever others need help. although he is sometimes reluctant and or unwilling to ask for it himself. he is adequate at resolving difficult or emotional customer situations. he usually fulfills commitments made to customers within expected time frames. customer service. john shows a high degree of respect for customers. john still has some reluctance to . or has problems in, carving out new relationships face to face. judgment -- john makes able decisions in most areas of his job. john follows instructions conscientiously and responds well to personal directions. john is normally very punctual and in most situations assumes responsibility for his own actions and outcomes. quick word john? this is sensitive. your car. lovely car. doesn't necessarily give the right impression. to customers approaching the bank from the rear you can see why it's sensitive? i'll leave it on your desk. ah john. this is robert moseley, head of south east new business. robert, this is john buckingham. i thought you could give us the tour this morning. sort of be our indian guide. take the ball and run with it john. we're starting to see results. this is karen, who's uh. taking uh. it.