you must be john. you seem very nice. excuse me. how's that? we can't drink our piss can we? you must find some glasses, small, for the toast, and some plates. sorry. you've lost me. what? you don't speak russian? pratsteetye! this explains your cold eyes. yuri. alexei. alexei and yuri. he says he feels safe here. she says she wanted to tell you but her english is shit. and no one speaks russian, it's very hard for her. the light please. oh. we are russian. good. and what? you mean from the beginning? jesus. can i uh okay, as we say in russia can i cut a long story short. okay. nadia is my little cousin. except she's not. but we say cousin. this is for you. toast first then we talk seriously, i can see you are serious about us. just kidding. of course not. alexei, he's is my problem. we better watch him. he's crazy. i am actor, he is actor, although he is an actor stroke musician. i just noodle along, i'm not so good. he makes me look like a retard -- he smokes me. i don't mean he smokes me. i mean he smokes me. do you say "smoke" in u.k.? right. so i can say he smokes me. so. so i come to england with other actors to make shows, i meet this freak from novgorod i tell him of you and chicken and the birthday here we are. i asked her if you were happy to see us. i find it hard to tell with you. she says you are a little shy. i think i know this. plans are for the architects, politicians and so forth. you're asking for my documents? we are all europeans here. europe, tony blair and maggie thatcher! so. you have nothing to say to your fiancee? maybe to wife of forty years it's understandable. come on. you speak and i will translate. she says 'hello' to you. go for it john! classic! thank god. she says 'yes!' she says she has a secret to tell. she says she watched you at the airport. "i saw you waiting there, by the gate." "i have these uh" she explains to you. "when i was a little girl my father had these beautiful old glasses." like. i don't know the word. like for watching uh. for watching the birds. binoculars. he had these binoculars he has kept from the war. i would run around with them taking pictures of things i liked with my mind. if i saw something beautiful i would take a picture. the day before i left russia my father gave me the old binoculars. he said that when i saw you i was to stand far away and look at you with these, and to examine your face closely. and if you were a bad person i could run away. she says she took a picture. oh nothing. no. it is too judgmental. he says why did you send to russia for a wife. you are not ashamed of it? it's no surprise to want to love. do you believe in love? it's very strange. how many people are truly themselves with their love? it is the greatest human disaster and it is never in the newspapers. there are no marches against heartache, no ministries against loneliness, no concerts against disappointment. we look away. and still we know in secret that nothing is more important to us. the one thing we all share but don't say. look john i will show you something. here look, something beautiful from russia. here is life, there, take it. here is bread. khylep. this is work. we all need this, here eat. good. but we cannot survive with just work, so here is meat and blood. myasa. this is family and country, flesh, strength, eat. but again this is not life. here is joy and pain. chyesnok. without these life has no flavour, is too serious. eat. but this vodka. is love. only this magic changes you inside. the moon and the stars and the sun. this is a love song, a soldier's song to his beloved -- alexei, he's afghanstya, a veteran of afghanistan. he saw terrible things. john. we can see you hiding. how is bank? to be indoors on such a day. it's crime. he's just having fun. he's maybe too strong you know. i understand. i'm so sorry i have brought you trouble. maybe i should have come alone. john. you must call the police. john, i'm sorry. it's my fault. he says sit down. or he'll cut her. sit down please. john. he says you scare him so much he must go to the toilet in his trousers. john, he is a soldier. a trained killer. we must do what he says. he says you are very sad ridiculous man. i don't agree of course. and that you must pay someone to have sex like a prostitute. nadia is a prostitute. i'm sorry. he wants money. he wants a lot of money. he wants the money from your bank. you don't understand. he wants all the money that is in your bank. he is sure you can do this. of course you can not. i'm so sorry. fifty thousand. almost exactly. sweet jesus. what for? no i don't. i've been buying you stuff all week. i've been buying him stuff all week. when we went to the hard rock cafe. who paid? when we went to see 'cats'. who paid? i paid for those guitar cases. it was alright. yeah. it was quite good actually. some bits i really liked. the sets were excellent. everything was big, you know, all the rubbish, coke cans, sweet wrappers, dustbins, so when you were watching it you felt cat size. it was really clever. how you doing? i'll show you something. it should make all this easier i think. not all these bastards were like you, believe me. you should not too feel bad.