cops, huh? i know who you are. neither of you'da lasted a round with gentleman jim jeffries. as for betty, c'est la vie. she called the tune, she paid the piper. you wanna hear my alibi? johnny on the spot at my job. twenty- seven straight hours. refrigerator repairman. twenty-seven straight and the last seventeen overtime. call my boss. he'll alibi me up tighter than a popcorn fart, and that's air tight. betty came west in '43 with stars in her eyes. i promised her three squares and a five-spot if she kept the house tidy. they were all her boyfriends! not so ugly and wearing a uniform, can't go wrong there. betty believed in quantity before quality. got five daughters. one bad apple ain't so bad. tom, dick, harry. don't matter. said she was looking for movie work but. just paraded the boulevard in those black get-ups of hers. it's all right, dear. i know this pug. came into a little change a while back, managed to trade in that shit shack out back for these digs. and i don't give a fuck what you think, you and your partner ain't much to look at now. i read the papers. wouldn't a mattered if i did. whatcha here for, mug? i know you ain't smart enough to solve the case, and you ain't dumb enough to still think i did it. i had an alibi. and that's air tight, mug. air tight. she was a terrible actress. i'm sure folks've told you that. she'd practice in front of the john mirror. once or twice she got me in on it. reading parts with her for some audition. she stunk. even a parent could tell. what beth was good at was writing. all her teachers used to say that. not that a grease like me'd know the difference. maybe she coulda written for the pictures. but she wanted to be an actress like every other silly girl. he proud of his son, the ace copper? or maybe he thought you'd end up champ? your momma? probably better off then. get a life, bleichert. don't dream it all away. dreamin'll kill ya. you, too. get me a sandwich.