on gross pathology, we have a female caucasian between sixteen and thirty. cadaver is presented in two halves with bisection level with the umbilicus. she's not going to mind. questions? here's what she wasn't. she wasn't raped, she wasn't pregnant, dried semen indicates voluntary intercourse within the last week. she took what i'd call a gentle whipping in the last ten days. in terms of the nitty-gritty. she was probably tortured with a knife for thirty- six to forty-eight hours before death. the cause of which is either the mouth wound or more likely she was beaten to death with something like a baseball bat. they came out after death. then i'd say he drained the blood from the body and washed it clean, probably in a bathtub. maybe. probably not a surgeon type--but that doesn't rule out veterinary training, biological training, or my pathology for beginners class at ucla. has she got a name yet? god love you, elizabeth. russell, when you get the son of a bitch who did this to her, give him a kick in the balls and tell him it's from frederick d. newbarr, m.d. now all of you get out of here, i've got a date with a jumper suicide in ten minutes.