prop. b's looking like a loser right now. but if we can drum up some publicity we may he able to get it passed in the '47 special. we need to build up morale in the department. impress voters with the quality of our men. wholesome white boxers are a big draw, bleichert. you know that. officer bleichert. welcome to central warrants-- yes but some of your patron's lost money. play things smarter here. don't blow this like you blew the fight. here's the man to fear. witnesses made him at a stickup near leimert park over the weekend. pistol- whipped an old lady. she died about an hour ago. negro girls. young ones. all the complainants have been colored. sergeant blanchard? try not to kill the man. i'd like to do it in court. and the heinous nature of this killing makes it imperative to catch this fiend as soon as possible. a number of specially trained officers, including mr. fire and his partner mr. ice. captain have you sent men to talk to the victim's father? how about vogel and koenig? goddammit, blanchard! i got you warrants. you're my man, and you made me look like a fool in front of the two most powerful men in the department. if you weren't mr. fire you'd be suspended from duty already. you've gotten personally involved in the short case-- shut up, bleichert. you're back on warrants as of tomorrow. report to me at 0800 with letters of apology for green and horrall. for the sake of your pension i'd suggest you grovel. blanchard! you've been skating around all morning, bleichert. vogel and koenig went to tijuana an hour ago so i need you to check out a radio car and get out there. and if you see that phantom partner of yours, tell him this no-show's gonna cost him three days pay. we can't do that! wellington told tierney he made the pic-- fuck blanchard. he's suspended. i called this little meeting for a couple reasons, bucky. we'd both like to see the short case closed out and get back to normal business. very well, dwight. i'll tell you. there are four confessors still being held at city jail. they've got no alibis, weren't coherent when they were first questioned, and they're all violent, frothing-at-the- mouth lunatics. i want them reintegrated. it's a muscle job. but bill's a bit too enamored with violence. so it's you, dwight. yes or no? because if it's yes, i'll make sure you're back on warrants tomorrow with an inside track to some stripes. if not, it's homicide shitwork until russ millard gets tired of you. we both know that russ is a patient, forbearing man, dwight. that could be a long time. yes or no?