saw you fight mondo sanchez. boxed the pants off him. another billy conn you were.
mondo gave a good show. what ever happened to him?
too bad. shamed his family. speaking of families--
dig in, lad. hearty fare breeds hearty people. haute cuisine breeds degenerates.
you're in for a cruel caricaturing, bucky. maddy's my pretty one, but martha's my certified genius.
a great people, the germans. hitler was a bit excessive, but mark my words that someday we'll regret not joining forces with him to fight the reds. i killed a lot of your countrymen during the war.
an old friend stuffed him. we were in the scots regiment together. georgie tilden. he wanted to work in the flickers.
1920. hollywood was a cow pasture, but the silent flickers was booming. georgie got work as a lighting man, and me building houses. georgie got me introduced to mack sennett and i helped him build that housing project he was putting up--hollywoodland-- underneath that godawful sign.
old mack knew how to squeeze a dollar dry, he did. he had extras moonlighting as laborers and vice versa. i used to drive 'em over to hollywoodland after twelve hours on a keystone cops flicker and put in another six hours by torchlight. even gave me as assistant director credit a couple times, so grateful he was for the way i squeezed his slaves--
mack sennett? helped him build that housing project he was putting up-- hollywoodland--
besides, one of my foremen said the goddamn pipes are spewing gas. there'll be hell to pay. it's about time i showed the three of you good ol' scotland.
they've got what you need, lassie.
aaah, laddie.
in the argonne, georgie used to bayonet the dead gerries. i saw it. thrilled him, it did. he was. hmm. disturbed. i think ramona found him. a good way to strike back at me.
he was passive. he liked to touch dead things. his father was a surgeon, did you know that? famous in scotland.
ramona didn't know a thing. martha--
what are you gonna do?
don't insult me, lad.
you know, laddie. the rich don't necessarily own art just for themselves; we safekeep it for future generations.
i'm not sure i know.