you know me, loot. vogel, john g. uhmmm. sixty-eight. why'd you hit me bleichert? i didn't do you no dirt. friedrich vogel. fritzie. not a woman. not a real one. a hoooer. daddy got a good rate on the room. he knew the house dick. this ain't right. what's her name introduced me. the hooer. we. played horse and rider. gave her the big schnitz. softly. so so softly. horse and rider. no no no no! i didn't kill her! i didn't slice her! no! no! daddy. went to ellis. to the jewboy. wanted to get charlie released. but the jewboy said no. daddy had a morgue friend owed him a favor and got this doa cooze. daddy wanted uncle bill but ellis jewboy said take bleichert. daddy said you'd do it cuz without blanchard you were jelly. said you were a sob sister, weak sister. daddy.