lee used to drag me. i was taking somme art classes so i'd sketch the boxers. for moral reasons i hope the lapd gets ridiculed for perpetrating this farce. for financial reasons i hope lee wins. and for aesthetic reasons i hope you both look good with your shirts off. luck, dwight. at least he looks good with his shirt off. i was never very good. ended up with a degree in history. masters. lee's fight money paid for it. i asked him to. besides, catching animals gave him a sense of order. you have a girlfriend, dwight? we're not getting married if that's what you're wondering. i have to go, dwight. good luck tomorrow night. lee and i don't sleep together, dwight. hello, dwight. glad you could make it. then you've never really had to. lucky man. lee! dinner! to fairy tales! oh baby. oh babe. bobby dewitt gets out in a week, dwight. we're on edge. he swore at the trial he was going to kill lee. lee's scared. you don't know bobby. hi, dwight. lee stomps, you tread lightly. let me guess. lee's up all night-- probably on benzedrine again--working that poor girl's murder-- you're worried about him. and he's worried about me. but who's worried about you? is that left for me? for such a cautious man you're quite a hardcase. hi, dwight. lee, dwight's here. this kind of theorizing's nonsense, but i'll give you a theory if you'll eat something to calm yourself down. well. just a guess. but maybe there were two killers. because the torture cuts are crude, while the bisection and the cut on the abdomen are neat and clean. it's sick and it's insane! after everything. and all that might happen-- dwight, you can be so gutless sometimes. we're famous, dwight. i haven't seen him since you beat him up. i don't want you coming over here just to sleep an the couch again. you know dwight? fighting, cops, guns. to most people--that's the scary stuff. not everything else. luck. i spent the morning with internal affairs. i told them. everything i knew. i gave them so much. and in the end it didn't seem like anything at all. you don't know anything, dwight. but that's what i like about you. i've been offered a job. teaching sixth grade at fairfax primary. with lee gone now-- i could take sick days. maybe a trip to santa barbara, or even a drive to san francisco. you're a fool, dwight. that reminds me of something, dwight. floorboard's loose near the closet. think you could fix it? sounds lovely. where is it? what're you doing? dwight? he'd given all his money to ben siegel. he wanted to give me a home. he knew what bobby was doing to me. how he'd used a razor on me. pimped me to his friends. bobby know nothing about the bank job. he and lee, they never even met. after lee and his driver got away, lee figured framing bobby'd give me a way out. then last year. the fourth man--the driver--he heard bobby was getting paroled. he threatened to tell dewitt that lee framed him. he wanted money we didn't have. ten thousand dollars. promise me this: forgive him for dewitt. forgive him for the bank. it doesn't matter anymore. not to us. baxter fitch. dwight-- i didn't touch your things. you can have the furniture. did you think i'd let my husband disappear for three weeks and do nothing about it? i've had detectives following you, dwight. detectives. she looks like that fucking dead girl, so you can have her--not me. whoremonger. coward. necrophile. dwight? you are so, so good at some things. he was going to leave no matter what. i didn't know if i was ever going to see him again, and i wanted him to be comfortable if such a thing was possible. dwight, he knew i was in love with you, and he wanted us to be together. goddammit, dwight! that girl--that girl! i don't give a damn about that girl. she ruined our lives!