to the halls of tripoli, shitbirds. i came all the way down here same as you did. keep from gettin' killed. happened to see those jarheads beatin' on a good collar-- habla ingles, tomas? tom here's my ninth hard felon of the month. six weeks he'll be sucking gas. in three years i'll be working central warrants. jewboy deputy d.a. over there wets his pants for fighters. promised me the next spot he can wangle. wanna hear something more impressive? my first twenty fights were stumblebums handpicked by my manager. my girlfriend saw you fight a couple times over at the olympic. says maybe you could take me. we'll take 'em in the morning. he's half yours, partner. someday. gentlemen, bucky bleichert. bucky, chief thad green, deputy da ellis loew. fire and ice. wholesome. it's not like you'll last the ten rounds anyway. bucky i'd like you to meet kay lake. made me quit fighting the smokers. didn't want me doin' the "vegetable shuffle." sure make loew happy. seems that way. seems that way. you, too. you gonna hide in there another week? ain't you bored yet? wanna work warrants with me? harrell's been callin' to tell you. you been hibernating-- don't you read the papers? the bond issue passed yesterday. want the job, partner? ready to roll, canvasback? benny siegel bought out my contract, scared off my manager. said he'd get me a shot at joe louis if i'd take two dives for him. i said no, joined the department 'cuz jew syndicate boys won't kill cops. anything else? while you were dancing with ellis at muster i checked maynard coleman's ka's on the bulletin and recognized the name of a fence. think he tends bar here. bruno albanese? police officers, bruno. let's make this fast so i don't have to watch you eat. they got here fast. the confession. you talk to ellis? least i don't call him "kike". shitbirds. you like pot roast? don't say anything to kay about dewitt. it'll upset her. fight stash. a toast. to proposition b! goin' into politics, ellis? give us a quote. "the only thing to fear is fear itself." seeya in leimert park. this grand tour stuff's for shit. i'm callin' in some favors. got a tip. snitch a mine says he's shacking with some poon in a crib near slauson and hoover. we fuckin' roll. hopheads. let's shake 'em for an address or a name. shut up, shitbird. bucky duck! leave me alone! you'll never fucking understand-- rise and shine partner! sure. ran mulholland at a hundred and ten. played house with kay all day yesterday. feel like doing some police work? junior nash's got a fuck pad on norton and coliseum. okie trash. is that millard and sears? he didn't do this. not anymore. it is now, partner. seen anyone in the lot on 39th. priority. remember. nice white girl gets snuffed. gotta show the voters they did the right thing passing the bond issue. it's a showcase. it's a-plus, buck. we don't miss this. with or without you, partner. slow and easy, bucky. first i gave loew a memo saying nash blew our jurisdiction-- it's all right. the apb still stands. we've got the pad staked. he's covered. jesus, bucky. bingo. what about her insides? did the guy know anything about medicine or anatomy? since you're so anxious to tell it. you calling your own daughter a tramp? jesus fuck. we just got handed the entire u.s. armed forces as suspects. i'm staking nash's pad for the night. see if we get any strange drive-bys at the murder sight. do me a favor and drop in on kay. she's worried about me. it ain't a random job. horseshit. guy who did this. hated her. bad. wanted the whole goddamn world to know. babe, you took pre-med, whattya think? mad doctor? oh, hey partner. bucky listen to kay. babe's got ideas. good stuff-- theory on, teach. dahlia left san diego six days before we found her. dago cops got a witness puts her in a tan dodge with a partial plate ident. finally got a cross-check that matched on red here. your fault, really. after you left kay slipped me a mickey. slept for seventeen hours. learn anything interesting? now you'll see why russ keeps harry around. russ's only rule. no actual hitting. i need this, babe. you know it. i'll rent a room for the stuff but-- you tell her bucky. reason with her. yes, ma'am. i understand. a werewolf and red manley. oh no. the werewolf is red manley. yes that would be more efficient. yeah. i rented a room for the stuff at the el nido motel. nine scoots a week. chump change if it makes her feel good. blanchard. homicide. gettin' any? who gives a fuck if he didn't kill her! i've sent boy scouts to the green room for less than this! did you see her face, bucky? did you see? i want to go to tj-- i beat up a wall. penance for nash. said i'd get a shot at joe louis if i'd take two dives for him. i said no. --penance for junior nash--