typical new york woman, big attitude, small apartment, no tits. i think she got to you, pappy. still, you gotta wonder how she'd look in handcuffs. whoa -- where do you think you're going, hotdog. turns to see nick, hands on knees, gasping for air. it's not like you were slow or anything. i think you did just fine. i think you did great. hey, hey, where you goin'? wait up. you know the guy who did the weismuller through the window -- you know him? so why dive through the glass for a nickel and dime bust? let go. back-up. why? i'll get rid of it when you get rid of the egg-beater. nick, let's go hunting. bag cavello. i found the goombah. cavello. he's -- whoa, i knew you were going to say that. i absolutely anticipated that, nick. but i said to myself, charlie, charlie, we can move up on this, so go find nicklaus. he'll be pissed for a moment, but then it'll dawn on him -- look. they told me at the greek's you were here. i'm sorry, i never imagined. i like her. she's nice. for her age. what are they doing now? who do you think the jap is? i don't blame you for being sore. it'll pass when we bag him. whatdaya think? 'bostonians'. eighty-five bucks. girls go for shoes. second place they look. hey, i read it in a magazine. what? the wolf? maybe we should do something? his hand close around the grip of the beretta. he unsnaps the ankle holster. the snap can be heard across the room. nick's hand closes around charlie's and squeezes till the knuckles turn white. what are you doing? police. call 911. tell them an officer needs assistance. say ten thirteen. do it, you dumb bastard! nick! shit. shit!! joins the cops as they run down the alley to find nick getting pummeled. full of what? i got a tattoo. birdie on the ball. we all got them when we finished basic at camp lejune. nick, you're the one that's always saying you never go anywhere. what are you missing? riding your motorcycle to the nurse's house. that shit is sadder than ethiopia. they say we got to turn around and come right back. that's what they say. i got a plan. i call, right? i say i got the dreaded thirty six-hour asian shits from some raw clam and we stretch it into three days. you and i become a driving force on the local geisha scene. hey, come on, big guy like you, cop from new york. you're gonna be the biggest thing to hit town since godzilla. says here, it's very impolite to touch someone while you're talking to them. guess that means you can't talk and screw at the same time, huh, hotdog? what's the matter, no -- speaky-the- language? understand this: you will never ever fuck with my partner again. where is the subway station, please. nick. you up? nick, have i been a good partner? i just want you to know. i mean anybody who says you ever took has got to deal with me. you didn't take, did you? you hear things. i didn't know. whoa. nick, we're in paradise. charlie. kon-ich-iwa. arigato. hey, when in rome -- there must be some witnesses from the airport? nick, we can't just -- detective ich-iro matsu-moto. hey, we're getting mr. moto on our side. first decent idea you've had. food. food, here we go. tokyo offers a wide variety of food. it's best to sample the local specialties, including sashaimi, soba, and world renown kobe beef. this should be it. kore? doku? kore doku? this the right place? konichiwa. ichiro matsumoto? getting very weird. maybe we should bail? the back room at lombardi's after the columbus day parade. under the bed. in the mayor's office. everywhere. i don't think he'd feel it. say ich, between friends, where can i grab some squish around here? pussy, ass, soft personnel. hello hello, charlie skloaris. new york city. my partner and i are cops. we're on a very big assignment here. when do you get off? what'd she say? he's a sorry old guy, but i like him. now that's the kind of motorcycle i want to see you on. nick, how we gonna bag this guy without any help? maybe i should work on that girl joyce, she speaks the language. hey, ich has been helpful. you cool, ich? you all right? you okay? what does ichiro mean, anyway? hey, all right.