hello, ich. johnny walker? he gets as much as he wants. right when you're being tucked into bed. they wouldn't appreciate it, ich. trust me. ich said you left. i'm sorry about your friend. dead gaiijin's are big news. an outside person. a foreigner. a barbarian. you, me. more you. i don't give tours. you have a helluva way of asking for help. look, you need ich. i've been here five years and i still can't read all the street signs. i don't think so. busy man. it's me. what's the latest? she ever pull down her shades? don't be an ass. i paid for that. somebody must be suffering somewhere, you're being so nice. where's ich? i've heard of sugai. i've also heard of the emperor. they're both national treasures. one's a hood. my japanese isn't that hot. besides, you'll never get in. and i'm supposed to care? you're wrong to sell ich short. he's got a reason. his son hooked up with some bikers. yakuza kids. a cop shot him running from a robbery. a father doesn't out live that kind of thing here, much less a police officer. you met her. the woman in the apartment. she won't speak to him. but she won't leave either. japan. nice, huh? not wound too tight. i'd invite you up but i know you'd hate the incense. i chant. 'nam oyo ranged kyo.' you think it's dumb of course. i don't remember saying yes. is sitting across from nick. they want your autograph. this little guy thinks you're robert redford. the other one thinks you're charles bronson. they'll never go away. mick jagger? gifts are expected here. reading the manichi daily. all's not lost. there's a famous temple here. we could chant. the cheese. just you. slide over. you came up with the first part. you're out of your mind. i'm leaving. you'll get ich killed. bullshit, nick. and don't tell me this is all just about charlie. it's not. bastard. let go. you're out of your mind. i still think you're a bastard. wouldn't help. watch out for ich. standing at the top of the steps. a biker is pressing the muzzle of a sig-saur assault rifle on her. kobo's girl is beside them holding a small pistol. last time you asked me to come along i nearly got a hole in my head. maybe. if i come visit, we can find out.