one, and one on top. call. very nice, barbie. now, i'd take ken over there and go home. it's time. that's all. listen, ken -- -- i'm offering you the benefit of my experience. you want a popsicle, go to good humor. and don't call me 'pappy.' alley oop. shut the hell up, goddamnit! my name is conklin. let's do this fast so i can go home. it's all yours. catches the debutante's eye across the room. she smiles at him, he was right. he shrugs, spreads his hands. that's life. fabulous. thanks. home. -- cavello. ronnie cavello. he works for frank abolofia. atlantic city. casinos. what's this? get rid of it. it's not regulation. and the only way you're gonna stop anybody with it is to show it to him, and while he's laughing, you can shove it down his throat. charlie. you still got shaving cream on your ear. short shift? connie. high spirits, desire, commitment. give me a break, would you? are you expecting anyone? -- i should tear your head off. -- hey, i got a better chance of being hit by a bus then moving up. eating scungilli, just like the last time you asked. maybe cavello's buying a subaru. how would i know? charlie, don't do anything. promise me? frank abolofia. some party. charlie, take your gum, stick it under your ass and keep it warm. saving your life. police officers. everybody stay put. get back up. on the ground, man. now!! yeah. sure, sure i'll be down. this by this. not in that company. yeah. charlie. yeah, he's not used to seeing other people do the killing. i did make a mistake. i let the wrong guy get hit. why? what? what? what if i say no? why me? you got something to say to me, captain? i was thinking the poconos, charlie. maybe vegas. beats forty hours on a plane. not a prayer. shut-up, charlie. what'd you say? get a new book. no. number five with a bullet. go to sleep, charlie. i worked the three nine in queens, charlie. the lieutenant was on the pad along with the rest of the squad. i was new, didn't know shit. when the feathers flew, i got called in front of the special prosecutor. it's on the top of my personnel file. they think i'm dirty or i cut a deal. doesn't leave you with a lot of friends either way. i might as well have done something. i've been paying for it every goddamn day since i got transferred. you going to take this crap off our hands? right. givin' you a book is like givin' a baby a gun. in rome, i'll bow. inspector nagashima told me to give you this. we're cops. pol-ice-men. fellas, get serious. cops! he's our prisoner! what's going on? we're the good guys! get me something like an identi-kit and i'll give you a description. what is it, tea time? incompetent is letting people waltz through a secure area wearing your uniforms, carrying official documents. i want a gun. we're police officers. work with me. i want your best detective. hey, inspector, i don't intend to take the rap for this. let's go. i said let's go, charlie. your best detective, ohashi. let's grab some food. you said that in the last two places. okay, you were right. i hope not. i'd feel better if we had some heat. think we could find our way back? where do we start looking for this guy? where're you going, ichiro? jerry lee lewis, elvis, dinky doo and the don't's. let's book, charlie. if he starts on motown, we'll be here all night. that's what you said in the last three piss pots. it's incredible. hit him or something. don't give him any more. what's the problem here? not a prayer. he couldn't find his ass with both hands. sure, a rice burning crotch rocket. give us a break. leave the rice cake outside and go home! could you fill me in? because i want you to tell me. can we skip the poetry, inspector? not until one of us bags kobo. and it doesn't look like you're doing so hot. you know, inspector, you take shit once, you take shit forever. why the hell not? charlie! it's a set-up! charlie! shoving through the crowd. he spots charlie. shouts at him to wait. charlie can't hear his partner. charlie! trying to struggle free. no!! manages to break free of the leatherboys holding him. they flee into the crowd as the police close in. he was my partner. i planned on catching him, captain. he killed a police officer. what happened? why weren't you at the platform? as he pours a pail of water over his head, it runs down his face in slow motion. yeah. yakuza? nick tossing two bags into a taxi in front of ich's apartment building. smoking. i want to cash it in. yen. ichiro? what's tricks? there was a change in plans. gaiijin? i could use some help. show me around. i'll pay you for your time. you can count on the truth from people who don't like you. you have a helluva way of answering. maybe i'm a quicker learner. i can see that. how'd you get this? partners. know her? a snitch? what's he saying? my turn. who is she? aw, for christ's sake. now we're making progress. that's kobo's girl? he's sure? only one way to find out. get her up in the morning and put her to bed at night. is struggling with his chopsticks and bowl of noodles. from o.s. a loud slurping sound. the sound stops, then starts again. nick can't eat. he sets his bowl down and looks over at think you could keep it to a dull roar? no. don't say anything. don't do anything, and for christ's sake, don't apologize! what'd i tell you? did i say that? are we getting married? you're doing fine, ich. now drop it, okay? nudges the sleeping ich with his foot. ich opens his eyes. let's book. let's go. call a cop. if you're gonna give me a hard time, wait outside. not too shabby for a perfume pusher. a few yards away. nick smiles, then walks into the store, hoping he hasn't been made. four goddamn days. this is going nowhere. sure, but then i just pull out the photos. ichiro -- smells like bayonne at low tide. whoa whoa. he's on duty. alley oop! good. very good. she disappeared. shit! dropping another cigarette butt to the ground. there's a small pile at his feet. he's leaning against the wall watching one end of the block. track over to reveal ich, his back to nick's, watching the other end. hey, no hands, huh? gaiijin. if i smell one drop of scotch on your breath, my friend -- i don't believe it. son-of-a-bitch -- we're through. i mean it. this is the end of the line, matsumoto. shut-up. i want to yank kobo. ich, my name is nick. not nicklaus, not nicklaus-san, not nick-san. nick. shit. i'm taking you back. a few minutes faster, we might've nailed him. what's this? while you were hanging out at the visa office, we found the son-of-a- bitch. maybe if you'd work with us -- hey! hey, i'm talking to you, inspector! ohashi! damnit, ichiro, i'm tired of people telling me what i can and can't do. no one ever solved anything sitting on their ass. who walks off without looking back at his partner. the ice help? where does this sugai live? i want to go talk to him. because he knows how to get to our man. i'll be a nice gaiijin. the little bastard. god bless him. big enough. it's a new deal. . coming with me tomorrow? sure, pal. you've got better things to do. you know where i can get a decent cup of coffee this time of night? i'm buying. i need your help, joyce. unavailable. i need someone to translate for me. it's my last shot. i have to be on a plane home tomorrow night. you could fake it. he drinks. where's the wife? what do you chant? not if it works. i'll meet you at the train? i don't remember you saying no. who am i supposed to be? tell them i'm not. i'm sorry, ichiro. i lost it last night. i shouldn't have hit you. what's in the box? so i bring some cheese? hey, ich. thanks. i'm glad you're here. i mean it. they took the gift an hour ago. we're in? this supposed to impress me? i'm impressed. but let's use the short form. i'm looking for -- i don't drink tea. i want him. the families who control the casinos? the feds would be onto you in a month. why tell me this? you trust me? with these? if i say no? i don't have to. i have ten hours to grab my man. you won't get hurt. let's go. him first. it's done. you don't have to come. explain to them. they shoot me, they kill you. do it! grab the keys, ich, and get inside. not now, man, okay, not now. work with me. start it. where's somewhere safe? good. not if we're careful. no one's keeping him here. why would you care? what if i chant? better wake him up. who slams the side of kobo's head with the butt of his gun. can't believe sugai's going to kill him. nick starts to get up, ich stops him. that wasn't our deal. after a court convicts him. he belongs to me. just one, compadre. kampai. it took 12 years to make it, you could take five minutes to drink it. you did great, ichiro. save it, i already took the tour. guess i'm on a roll. time, i've got plenty of. hey, hey, come on, blow. i'm amused. sugai won't give it to me, you know that. follows him to the door. bursts into the packed bar car. ichiro?! where's ohashi? what the hell are you doing?! for god's sake, ohashi, i need your help. let me out of here! if anything happens to her while i'm here -- i have to get to sugai. ohashi! ohashi!! i was ready to have your ass for taking off on me. how many men? joyce? we need the plate to negotiate with. you know, ichiro, you just burned your bridges. now we've got nothing to negotiate with. joyce told me about your family. it's tough. a wife. she left. me too. let's go. what's that for? thanks. why's that? rises from a ditch and swings a hoe at the rider as he passes, catching the man across the face. the rider drops like a swatted fly. the biker's momentum carries it a few yards before it falls and skids to a halt. dumps the bike at the foot of the stairs and leaps on kobo. tackles her, and wrestles the gun away. she grabs for it. nick slugs her. you all right? call for help. comes around the same corner. his bike fishtails and slides out from under him. pulling eight-five. ninety. one hundred. the rain stings his face. it's hard to keep his eye open. is gaining on him. he hears something coming up behind him. swerves to avoid it at the last moment. the biker reacts too late and runs -- burst around the corner charging toward him at a hundred- and-twenty miles per hour, in the driving rain. struggling to get his gun. finally he does. but it's caked in mud. if the barrel is stuffed it will explode. nick has to take the chance. aims as best he can and fires. the mud caked gun explodes in his hand. nick screams in agony. struggles to get up. he can't. crawling a few inches, that's it. reaches into his coat and pulls ich's 18 inch shuto out. mustering all his strength, struggles across the road on all fours. still moving, his arms and legs feel like lead. grabs kobo's wrist forcing him to drop the plate. nick picks up a rock. it looks as if he's going to smash kobo's head. instead, he brings it down on the plate, shattering it in a half-dozen pieces. keep the change. standing at the far end of the room by the fuse box. he's also bandaged and on crutches. can't make you change your mind? might be different in new york. i'd like that. joyce, give the assistant chief inspector a drink, would you? right. never crossed my mind. walks in with two heavy bullet proof vests slung over his shoulder. he squeezes past the raiding party to find sure you want to come? probably better than the greyline tour. we can't lose. cause you're the biggest thing to hit this town since.