lazarus? i'm sorry. it's these soft shoes i wear for my back. i'm standing most of my day. they're for support. didn't see you in church this mornin'. well. it's good to see you. yes? go on, laz. you can talk to me. you take her to a doctor? you wait right here. is your niece older than 12? my sister got a bad cough with her pneumonia. i just copied her prescription. you don't need to pay anything. just take it. but if she gets worse, you give me a call. i wrote my number on the box. not if no one finds out. i already tossed that out. somethin' you should'a done to that woman long ago. how she treated you. of course, that's none of my business. wait right there. you didn't have to do this. well that's good. i'm happy to hear it. this was very sweet of you. hush up. i bet you have loyal customers. been eatin' like a princess all week. even got enough for us to take a picnic under the gazebo. i put on the lotion you got me. can you smell it? i's thinkin' about singing in the choir. mm-hm. i don't know if i got a good voice or not but. practice is only on mondays and wednesdays, so. when? now? oh. no. there is a balm in gilead to make the wounded whole. there is a balm in gilead to save my sick, sick soul. so. you think i should be in the choir? what? what is it? this your cousin? hey. what do you need? more cough syrup? laz. you don't need to explain yourself to me. laz. i'm gonna put my trust in you. i'm gonna do it knowin' all too well i can get hurt like this. and i have been hurt. just like you. woman like me, i got a lot of livin' to do. but my days are precious to me. they all i got left. don't want no more fuss. i want love in my life. you understanding me, laz? now what'chu need me to do? cuz i'm gonna go do it. what are you doing? you know the rules. you do know the rules, don't you? then start taking them seriously. it's okay to breathe, honey. she's ready for you.