baby. this ain't gonna work. i don't see why we gotta lie 'bout it when you and i know this ain't gonna work. it's stupid. it's so fucking stupid! okay. okay. shit. goddammit, ronnie. goddammit! mm-mm mm-mm. mm-mm. mm-mm! mm-mm! mmmmmmmmmmmm! we're done, right? you got any money? i said we wasn't gonna talk about him. save that hustle talk to them field ballers you sell crack to. stolen phone cards and two-ways is what you sayin'. just a cough. sugar and a spoonful of jack'll do it. the hell you call me? just got a cough. if it weren't you could kiss my rebel cootch, ya faggot. didn't know you was workin' here now? it's so stupid. says to me that he don't want nothin' to do with no military career. says he wants to move. open up an auto shop with his uncle up in knoxville. i said, okay. how about now? let's go. he get stubborn. starts talkin' 'bout obligation and duty and all that. shit. i just want him to come home. i swear, if somethin' happens to him. can't be thinkin' bout him every second of my day. i'll go outta my gourd. i begged him not to go. and he did. it gets worse there. leavin' me to my own mind. that's just not good. yeah. be right back. it's not like i can't go out and have fun with my friends. you go to hell. how many to fuck me up? oh. i'm just on a water bed. and it's just. so. goddamn. funny! hi. you ain't the kicker, are you? cuz let me tell you, you boys gotta run the ball more. you get into a kicking game, ya'll gonna lose. okay. jes? jesse? oh shit. wait. wait. stop! the ground is. turnin' upside down. i'm gonna. i'm gonna fall off. oh. that feels so much better. i got others. i begged him. don't see why he had to go. you don't got half what tehronne got. teh. tehronne? mm-mm. mm-mm. nooooo! you don't. touch me. s'no. no! mm-mm. mm-mmmmmmmmmmmmm! n- n'you fuck! mm-mm. mm-mm. ma-muh. ma-muh! see. s. see if'i give. give'a. ronnie. ronnie. ronnie! nn-nn. nn-nn. no. n'ronnie! mm-mm. mm-mm. no! nooo! noooooooooo! is'okay. is'okay. how long. how long i been out? two days? where's ronnie? wait. he left. i don't got any money. for fixin' me up and all. then i better be on my way. don't wanna put you out no more. naw'sir. i gotta be on my way. why you got me chained? the fuck you been doin' to me? get this goddamn thing off me! well i'm woke now. you can take this off. i'm right enough to stand on my own two feet. now take this goddamn chain off. what? do me? do me like this, you mean? like chainin' me up? the hell you know about me?! you got no right to talk to me about that shit! the hell you think you are? what do you want? what do you want from me?! whatever you gonna do to me, just do it! and let me go! you some kind'a pervert? some crazy jesus freak, gonna fuck the spirit into me. look it, mister. you wanna have your way, you take it. i'll do whatever you want. but you gotta let me go. you can't do this! you can't keep me here! help! somebody! somebody help me! let me go! or what? stop it! stop it! it hurts! okay. okay! i'm comin' in! now quit it! you gonna get a lot more a'that, you keep me locked up like this! hm-mm. hm-mm. i can't! hmmmmmm. stop-it!. stop-it! you like this? walkin' me through this field like i's your mule? if i break one you gonna shoot me? uh-uh. itches. uh-uh. i know. i get it. what's matthew doin'? let go of me. get off me! why is it you old men gotta talk so much? like little boys, gotta talk yourself into fuckin' me. we can take our time. i'm grown. i get it. you wanna give me 'nother bath? goddammit. hello? hey! i don't believe this shit. enough to choke a goddamn horse. you are my sunshine. my only sunshine. you make me happy when skies are gray. you'll never know dear how much i love you. please don't take my sunshine away. a voice from outside spins her around. the guitar barks as rae slams it down on the table. i didn't want to. thank you. you know how, like they say, you save someone's life, you responsible for them. guess he just don't think it's safe for me. you a preacher? can i ask you a question? people always say, you gotta get good with jesus, if you want not to go to hell. that you say sorry for all you done and. and jesus would let you go on to heaven. but that's so fuckin' stupid. i'm sorry. didn't mean to curse. you can't hurt people. and then just say, i'm sorry, and then everything just gets washed away. why would heaven want people like that. people who. do what they want and then. switch. ronnie. uh-uh. i don't fuckin' cook. look it. i put the goddamn dress on, didn't i? i think i'm handlin' myself with some. fuckin' restraint here. how you got me locked up like a dog on a. i can handle that. cayenne pepper. they sure liked them devilled eggs. sure. well, that's good news. so you're gonna be someone's uncle. we drinkin' buddies now? still makin' jokes? i ain't in a hurry. could you do somethin' for me? sing, lazarus. please keep singin'. i'm here with you. you can give it to me. you can't start this and not finish. not with me. please. not gonna lie to you, laz. this one's a doozy. i don't think. i don't think i can stop this. the. chain helps. i seen a man die. he couldn't breathe. his heart was. was givin' out. he told me. get help. i just stood there and watched him. i watched him die, laz. oh god! goddammit! oh, laz. he hurt me. he. hurt me so many times. you think god forgives people like that? you think god forgives people like me? hold me. oh god. where you gonna be? i'm gonna just get some girl stuff, like make-up and. stuff. hey. got in a little accident. since you workin' on the square now, maybe we could get some coffee in the morning, if you want. no. that's not why. why we always gotta do this? i mean, you and me been at each other as far back as i can remember. wasn't no love between us. and i'm your daughter. i'm the only family you got. yeah. i know i did. but. i'm tryin' to be dif'rent. i'm tryin' to. get some peace, you know? i just wanted some make-up. i just think you should'a kept him off me, that's all. now see? don't do that. i'll go along with all you say about me. but that. you can't pretend no more on that. cuz i was just a kid, momma. i didn't know about any of that stuff he was doin' to me. and you let him do it. some big nobody in your life. and you let him do as he wanted. with the only somebody you had. i'm sorry. i didn't mean to shout. but. momma. just tell me. not gonna be mad. we can just talk about it. be eye to eye on this. you don't even got to say you're sorry. just say how you knew. tell me you don't know. goddamn liar! say it! just fucking say it! get off me! get off me! get. him. off! you took care of your wife, like you do me? nothin'. by myself? well. are you drunk? keep drinkin' water and you won't get a headache in the mornin'. i guess you have. laz? can i sleep with you tonight? i didn't mean it nothin' dirty. i'm gonna pee. i gotta take a break and go pee. eat shit and die, arty. a girl can change her fuckin' mind. hey. you don't gotta get up but. i gotta go. i think if i just piss. i'll be okay. i'm just in one of my moods. you know how i get. i think it'd be better if you talk to me. just about anything, you know. it can be funny or. not. just tell me somethin'. are you wasted? holy shit! holy shit, ronnie! you're a fuckin' rock star. all them people shoutin' your name like they were doing tonight! shit! that arm you got'll get'chu on a box of cereal. hey? you okay, ronnie? is'okay. is'okay. i feel better. do you? you. are my. sunshine. sorry. don't know where i learn't it, but. it's there in my head. you know how you feel when you come out of a bad hangover? like your eyes can open a little bit more. woke up real early. sun was shining. just thought i'd mess around, try to learn a song. no, you do it. i can't sing. what i love. you are my sunshine. my only sunshine. you make me happy when skies are gray. you'll never know dear, how much i love you. please don't take your sunshine away. ronnie! ronnie stop! ronnie! no! ronnie. please, baby. ronnie. oh, baby. just let me. ronnie? i got you, baby. i got you. what are you doing? you gonna call the cops? you think they gonna help this? they ever help you, laz? huh? dammit laz put the phone down? it starts like this. fire. that spreads. starts in my head. then moves to my stomach. then it goes lower. i can stop it sometimes but mostly i just jump on and ride it out. then everything'll go back to normal, you know. only thing ever took that feeling away was. was. when i met ronnie. cuz i love him so much. he's all i got in my life that's special. and i like taking care of him and helping him when he gets nervous. when i can do that for him. it's like i'm givin' somethin' of myself that i haven't givin' nobody else. i think. i think we're fucked up. both of us. i know i am. but. that don't mean what i feel ain't true. it don't mean i can't love. and i know, how i been is. is. really bad! so if you want to quit on me. i understand. but please. please. don't. yes, ma'am. i've had nice things before but i always ruined 'em somehow. i want to. more'n anything. but i. okay. i don't want you to let go. you are my sunshine. my only sunshine. you make me happy, when times are gray. you'll never know dear, how much i love you. please don't take, my sunshine away. see. we're okay.