yeah. transmission's shot. shit. rae. rae don't do this now. rae! look it. i got somethin' for us. this is gonna help, okay. this watch here is gonna beep at midnight. every night. that's when it comes up on you the hardest, right? and wherever i'm at, my watch'll beep, too. we'll be thinkin' bout each other at the same time. wherever we are. i gotta believe we can do this or i ain't gonna make it, rae. i love you. this is ronnie again. don't know if you been gettin' my messages but. i'm down at the bus station and. i just need you come get me. you get this message, i'm on the interstate headin' downtown toward the square. rae. i really need you to. come find me. please. yeah. sure. hey, herman. that's not what this is about. well, you don't know what you're talking about so why don't you shut the fuck up? they been keepin' a folder on me cuz of my stomach. like how it was just before we'd play ball back in school. thought it was just some tic i got, or ulcers like my daddy had. i can't. shoot. target practice i'm a pro. i tag between the numbers each time but. but when there's really loud noises around me. somethin' happens. i get shaky and. i lose my breath. they called it anxiety. severe anxiety. it can be fixed and all. just not in time for. it's a long process but. they sent me home. i can't get rae on the phone. she's not at home. none of her friends seen her anywhere. i don't know. she's gettin' crazy, like she gets. begged me not to go. got real down. i just think somethin's happened. like she run off with someone. you'd tell me if you knew somethin', right? uh-uh. i's hitchin' up the interstate when i seen your truck outside. rae? this don't feel right. kitchen looks just like i left it. i know, cuz i cleaned it. i just been so mixed up lately, gill. and, you know, with her history, i can see how she could get scared. . and run. her momma works down at the grocery, down on the square. maybe she seen her. that's not right, really, cuz i. now wait. i know about how she was like. but we was different. i's the only person she talked to about it. how she's abused. terrible things, gill, just terrible. it's not her fault, gill. she's had to take care of me all this time, cuz i'd just start throwin' up. choking. just losin' my grip. and she listened. she listened to me. and. i got better. i don't get nervous like i used to. and since we been together. she been faithful to me. put all that junk behind her. make yourself at home. you done it already. hey. you feelin' sick? yeah, i know. yeah? well. that's my vomit. i came in here to get sick. i thought i'd make the toilet but. anyway, i got sick. no. i just got a messed up stomach. what? i'm a what? box of cereal. well, goddamn. everybody keeps sayin' things to me take make me feel great. but i don't feel great at all. i feel like i'm comin' outta my skin. like i'm losin' control of my mind. i'm not like this. i'm not usually so. afraid. i don't know what's. wrong. yeah, i do. ain't been a week and you already some nigger's whore? gill told me. told me how you and he. you and everybody. did 'ya have fun with her? sweet as a peach, i bet. huh? huh? goddamn it, i ask you a question, you better answer it, or i'm gonna blast a hole in ya! you shut up! or what? or what? ain't gonna be callin' me boy when i blow your face off. you heard me, mother-fucker. i'll fuckin' kill. you testing me? huh? you testin' me, old man? goddammit, rae! shut up! shut up! don't. don't say that to me. i can't stop. i can't stop. being scared. what am i gonna do. i hate this town. you can't round the corner without bumping into someone who's got your number. we did a lot of dreamin', me and rae. makin' plans to get out. i'd do my tour and. we'd move outta here. go to chattanooga. and i'd work for my uncle. but. when rae gets like she does. and she does the things that she always done. makes me feel like she loves this place more'n me. all my life people called me shit like, sissy and. nervous and. i got few things in my life that make me feel like. like. yes. i mean that's it. i wanna feel like a man with her. i wanna feel like the only man with her. just wanted to see. yeah, i know. yes, ma'am. yeah. okay. i gotta pull over. fuck!