main credits end. where is deacon frost? got something in your throat. frost. now don't we look dapper? whistler! she's been bitten. she hasn't turned yet. you can help her. strapped into some kind of inquisition-esque restraint chair. his shirt is off, his body slick with sweat. whistler finishes strapping blade in, then stands back, holding up a gas-powered pistol injector, hesitant -- just do it, old man. you shouldn't be here. -- he's a vampire. stupidity. it's not worth the risk. we can't trust her. because you're tainted. the venom's still inside you. you could still turn on us. then i have to take you out, just like any other bloodsucker. we hunt them, moving from one city to the next, tracking their migrations. they're hard to kill. they tend to regenerate. i don't care what you believe. i saved your life once, i don't plan on making a habit of it. you want my advice, you'll be out of the city by nightfall. if you're stupid enough to stay, that's your business. not anymore. you've seen one of them. you won't be allowed to live after that. do it. you'll be dead before you can file the complaint. get in. youre leaving. remember what we said. keep your eyes open. they're everywhere. you okay? figured they'd send someone after you. thought i'd wait around and see who showed up. it worked, didn't it? he didn't. get over it. he's a familiar. a human who works for the vampires. see this mark? that's a glyph, kind of like a vampire cattle brand. that means officer friendly here is someone's property. any of the other vampire's try to bleed him, they'll have to answer to friendly's owner -- this glyph belongs to deacon frost. we've been tracking him for a while now -- because they're vampire wanna-bes. if they're loyal, if they prove themselves, then their masters will turn them. for some. live forever, never get old. the ultimate high. how 'bout you, officer? you a good little bloodhound? looks like our friend was blood-running. where were you headed? preventive medicine. it's war, now get the fuck out of the way! god-damnit!!! do you have any idea what you just did?! he'll warn them. they'll be waiting! let me set you straight on something, doctor. what you've "seen" so far is nothing. the world you live in's just the sugar-coated topping. there's another world beneath it, the real world -- and it's a fucking bloodbath. if you want to survive in it, you'd better pull your head out of your ass. what the hell are you doing?! i could have killed you! do you have a death wish or are you just stupid? there is no cure. what do you see here? look closer. this isn't a gang tag, it's a vampire marking. it means there's a safe-house nearby. a place they can go if dawn is coming. owned by vampires. there's one of these in every major city, and just like domino's, they always deliver. you telling me you're ready to walk through that door? all right, then, listen up, vampire anatomy 101. crosses and running water don't do dick, so forget what you've seen in the movies. you use the stake, silver, or sunlight, got it? know how to use one of these? safety's off, round's already chambered -- silver hollow-points filled with garlic. you aim for the heart or the head, anything else is a one-way ticket to a pine box. get out. now. i know you're blood-running. who's your sponsor? what's this? a birthmark? still think we might be wrong? how much are you shipping? i've got a message for your masters -- the night's no longer safe for their kind. he will. looks like we hit pay-dirt. this place is crawling with them. see the valets over there? they're vampires. so is the doorman. the way they move, they way they smell -- the whore on the corner, she's one too. so are the two men standing under the streetlight. there are worse things than vampires out there. like me. where's the entrance?! i got news for you, butt-boy. you're already dead. after you. some kind of archive -- you've been watching too much tv. they've got their claws sunk into everything -- finance, real estate, politics. probably own half of downtown. this must be where they keep their records -- frost? don't be. you're another notch on my sword hilt, nothing else. a sun lamp. we're gonna play twenty questions. depending on your answers, you might get to have yourself a tanning session. what were you in such a big hurry to delete just now? and who is lamagra? where's the original, pearl? you must have it around here somewhere. if he moves, cook him. that's the point. i'm expecting some company. he can take care of himself! go!!! nothing that won't heal by dawn. i need help with this -- serum -- it's a human hemoglobin substitute. not quite. i'm a hybrid. half-human, half-vampire. don't even start, old man. you get used to the darkness. i can't close my eyes without hearing her scream. i do. i remember from day one. people staring at me, sensing i was different. watching the fear grow in their eyes, knowing in their hearts i wasn't human. just get out of here. i said, get out!!! china town. i need more serum. what's all this? for your miracle cure? cancer. we've got a good arrangement, that's all. whistler makes the weapons, i use them, the vampires die -- end of story. your mother sounds like a hallmark greeting card. i'd wish you luck, doc, but i never put much stock in optimism. how's it going, kam? i was in the neighborhood. whistler says i'm building up a resistance to it. maybe it's time to start exploring other alternatives. yeah. i know. thanks, kam. one other thing. have you ever heard of a vampire called the sleeper? i found this in there archives. i need to find someone who can read their language. how can you be out here? i don't buy it. maybe i don't see it that way. you're wrong. pass. you're not going anywhere. any progress? you don't look so good. it's started. you've got another day or two at most. for what it's worth, i'm sorry. i'm here to see miracia. kam sent me. you're blind -- i didn't come here to get my palms read. i need something translated. who is lamagra? his blood -- ? "the blood tide". how do i stop it? but i just got here -- whistler?! jesus, whistler, what did they do to you? don't try to talk -- no, we can treat the wounds -- whistler, i can't. whistler, i -- you should be. i've made some improvements. mother -- ?! but you -- died -- fight him -- please -- i've been better -- how long have we been driving? we get out of this alive, maybe i'll take that miracle cure of yours. what are you talking about? -- go to hell -- i'd kill myself -- before i turned into something like you. how could you be a part of this? you don't have to be. i don't believe that. mother! get out of here -- you don't understand. the thirst -- -- tearing me -- apart. no -- i can't -- i won't be able to stop -- no!!!! never been better. frost!!! stands at the balcony overhead, karen at his side. he leaps from it, somersaulting down to the floor below, landing on his feet like a predatory cat. who dies first? let's see if you can grow a new one of these! next? where are you?! guess you're not quite as invulnerable as you thought. you don't have a few minutes, frost. it's because i'm human that i can do this. for them. but for me -- i feel like it's finally beginning.