blade. once again, our interests have fallen victim to his ridiculous crusade. he must be destroyed. deacon frost. you refuse to speak our language, you insult the house of erebus by using the humans' gutter-tongue, have you no respect for tradition? i see. and what would you have us do with this "half-breed"? he is an abomination! the shadows suit us, frost. we've existed this way for thousands of years. who are you to challenge our ways? get out!!! what are you doing here? these archives are restricted to members of the house of erebus. you're wasting your time, frost. far greater scholars than you have tried to decipher these words. whatever secrets they hold have been lost. what are you up to, frost? what is this? where am i?! the other elders will never let you get away with this! don't you see, you fools?! he'll betray you too! he's planning on invoking lamagra himself!