my name is asad. this is nyssa. we represent the shadow cabinet. the ruling body of vampire nation. they're offering you a truce. they want to meet with you. they're ready to see you now. few warmbloods have seen what's beyond this door. blade, this is overlord eli damaskinos. mr. stevens works with the national institute of health. given that they monitor the nation's blood supply, a strategic alliance seemed prudent. we've been training a small tactical unit -- the bloodpack. we want you to lead them. blade, this is reinhardt. that's snowman, lighthammer, priest, chupa and verlaine. anyone who looks suspicious. use your entry lights! what happens at sunrise? i don't think. i follow orders. what good is all this firepower if we don't know where they're hiding? what? where did they go? same with snowman and verlaine. what are you doing? you won't make it.