exits just behind them, eschewing the stairs completely and vaulting over the railing. he unholsters his mach pistol as he drops, firing it as he lands in a cat-like stance on the snowy ground below -- bursts from the factory. segura revs his bmw, trying to run him down. at the last second, blade pivots aside like a matador. segura circles around for another try. is gaining on him like demon of speed. tell me where he his now and i'll consider you a loose end. old man, old man, what've they done to you -- come on, whistler. let's go home. scud! knock it off. we've got work to do. you going to stand there crapping your pants or are you going to help me?! ultra-rapid detox. they use it on heroin addicts, make 'em go cold-turkey in one night. gonna try and od whistler on a retroviral cure. get back!!! if there's anything of you left in there, whistler, listen up now. come morning, those shutters are going up. either you'll be cured, or you'll fry. it's going to be a long night. how do you feel? did you think i wouldn't? let's just hope you've kicked the thirst for good. i'll be watching you close. you start to back-slide -- human? hit the god-lights. take off your masks. i agree. we play along for now, we might wind up learning something about how their world ticks. what? semtex explosive. enough to level a city block. how's that for assurance? for what? you're human. why? seems like he's doing me a favor, then. you want me to hunt them for you. then they weren't created to go after your "patient zero". what do you think? what do you really think? keep your friends close and your enemies closer. isn't that how the saying goes? alright, you want to play this game? you've been training two years to take me out. here i am, the big, bad vampire hunter. so do it. we're going to be working as a unit, you people will be taking orders from me. so let's get it over with. i'll give you a free shot, reinhardt. why are you looking at her for? you need permission? i'm giving it to you. what's wrong, reinhardt? you need a fucking manual? listen up, adolph, i just popped an explosive charge in the back of your head. silver nitrate. rigged to blow if anyone tampers with it. i'll be keeping the detonator on me at all times. you so much as look at me crosswise and i swear you'll be macking your girlfriend's pie with a fucking neck stump! got it?! any questions? if you girls are finished flirting, i'd like to get started. didn't i kill you already? this the part where you beat your chest and vow revenge? save it for the director's cut. where to first? he's right. they'll smell that you're human. stay here, watch our backs. i'm not giving you a choice, old man. keep pushing, asshole. i haven't forgotten. you gotta be kidding me. what is it with you people and pain? you reading me, scud? nothing. whistler! he's heading across the roof! take him! whistler!!! i'll heal. he escaped. you didn't tell me they were immune to silver and garlic. we lose anybody? how long since he was bitten? it's already changing him -- without batting an eye, he draws his mach pistol, briefly aiming at the on-rushing creature's chest, then adjusting his aim to one of the blacked-out windows above and behind it. i thought you were supposed to be watching our backs. where were you, whistler? recognize him? which means he turned about seventy-two hours ago. time. no hemoglobin left. their metabolisms are too fast. they burn out. that's why they're having to feed so often. their systems are self destructing. nomak's different. he's the carrier. there's something driving him beyond the thirst. something we're missing. like cancer with a purpose. we've got six hours till sunrise. be ready by then. we take up the hunt again. you've seen what we're up against. daylight's the only advantage we've got. they'll be more vulnerable then. look, i care about the humans who are dying, not you, got it? you don't have a choice. you're just going to have to protect yourselves as best you can. i wouldn't worry about it. pretty hollow words coming from a man who spent the last year running with the enemy. it means i'm starting to wonder if the vampires still have their hooks in you. you've been acting strange ever since i gave you the cure. reckless, quick to anger -- you said it yourself, whistler. those vampires knew our defense system backwards and forwards. where'd they get their intel? you're out of line, old man. what do you think you're doing? you don't have to hunt to do it. we won't need to. they'll come to us. time for nyssa's pheromones. we'll split into three units. first team that makes contact wins the prize. try to maintain radio silence from here on out. must be hundreds of these skeletons here. so i think you people may have underestimated how many reapers you're dealing with. fry 'em. take mine! reinhardt! re-group! re-group! a little too well, i'd say. give me the rest of the pheromones. verlaine's body is back there somewhere with the uv bomb. if you train your guns in that direction, you'll drive an opening in their ranks. i'll run for it. when the reapers come after me, you make a break for it the other way. then i'll die trying, won't i? save it. i don't want to hear your words. let's do this now!!! she needs a hypertransfusion. now! do you want to die? then get your fucking team in gear. what? i don't think so. for what? i wouldn't read too much into it. you don't want to go there. because one of us is going to kill the other before this ends. get real. i was useful to damaskinos as long as the hunt was still on. now that it's over, all bets are off. i am a hunter. a weapon. it's what i do. it's in my blood. pain cuts the deepest, isn't that what you said? reminds you you're alive? he was here. watching us. he wants us to know he's hunting us now. nomak said something to me before he disappeared the first time -- athelfiki singenia ex amato. at first i thought he might've been using one of the vampire dialects. but it turns out, it's greek. do you know what it means? it means "bloodbrother." where the hell have you been? what's your problem, whistler? then who does he work for? stands in the entry way. whistler is behind him, holding a gun to nyssa. scud is there, too. start talking, bitch. nomak! you created him! keep talking, stevens. tell me why. the genetic material you spliced into nomak -- where did you get it? thought you were dead. kiss your ass goodbye, reinhardt. two things. one, i was on to you the moment they turned you. and two -- i switched that dud of yours back with the real one. nomak is still out there. too bad you're out of it. revenge. that's what nomak wanted all along. to pay back the people who created him. he does now. he's been watching me since the tunnels. following me. i led him right to you. just like a trail of bread crumbs. blood. surfaces from the cask in morbidly glorious slow-motion. think of sheen in the end-sequence of apocalypse now, only instead of a river of mud, blade is covered head-to-toe in crimson. majestic and glistening. a primordial god. he rears back his head, letting loose a triumphal roar. tell me something, chief. can you blush? what's it going to be, damaskinos? thiavolos. the devil you know -- enters the lobby from a mezzanine above, sword in hand. -- or the devil you don't? get out of here! nyssa!!! not good. what do you want me to do? i am a hunter. a weapon. it's what i do. it's in my blood. who flashes an evil smile at us. What? You think I forgot about you?