i hope you don't mind the cold. when one such as myself reaches an advanced age, certain precautions are needed in order to preserve the flesh. welcome, daywalker. i thank you for coming. i've been anxious to meet you for quite some time. and the late abraham whistler. i trust your time amongst our numbers was agreeable? it has been said, you may have enemies whom you hate, but not enemies whom you despise. be proud of your enemy: then his success shall be yours, too. in that regard, i should thank you. thiavolos, as we used to say in greece. the devil. pure thirst. nothing more. he was born a vampire, but he is an anomaly. like you. unlike the rest of us, however, he feeds on not just humans, but vampires as well. not alone. yes? any casualties? an inevitability, i suppose. nyssa was not among them, i trust. any game worthy of being played is. one must be patient. in this way, i have outlived my enemies. all of them. you worry too much, stevens. i have assurance from our friend inside that events are unfolding as scripted. as many as it takes. do you see that jar over there? it contains my human heart -- something i relinquished a long time ago. only a fool would appeal to it now. i should think that would be obvious at this point. we took the genetic material from you. jared nomak is your genetic brother. and i suppose if you follow that line of reasoning to its logical conclusion, then these are your offspring. a new breed, begotten from your own flesh. immune to silver, even sunlight. the wolves have lain with the sheep long enough. no more compromises. no more deals. only closure. reinhardt! my child -- i would hate to think you were losing your perspective. who do you think god favors in the web? the spider or the fly? from his father, of course. i have fathered thousands of children in centuries since i first walked this earth. make no mistake, nyssa. those blood-ties mean nothing to me when measured against the ascendancy of our race. nothing. if you have any interest in remaining alive, you would do well to remember that. with every century, humans become more repulsive to me. once, you were souls to be taken, corrupted. but you have disgraced yourselves to being nothing more than blood and meat. true, but thanks to you, we know his weakness. we can keep him contained. it's just a matter of time before we hunt him down. and why is that? stop him! get out of the way. is waiting. but even as stevens starts towards the elevator, damaskinos dispassionately presses the "close door" button. are you insane? he'll kill us both! for god's sake, nyssa! let us out of here!