blade is dragged into a large autopsy room. the vampire guards lay him on a steel autopsy table. he struggles against them, but he's just too weak from loss of blood. eventually they get him secured, clamping his wrists and ankles into steel manacles which are affixed to the table. damaskinos enters, followed by carter stevens. the guards remain posted at the main entrance of the room. damaskinos approaches, looking down at blade. with damaskinos and company. suddenly, the lights above them flicker then go out. as emergency lights kick on -- as nomak continues tearing down the autopsy door, bullets hammer into his back. he turns, sees a dozen guards firing at him, their gunfire chewing the shit out of the concrete walls around him. nomak staggers, but doesn't go down as clear blood sprays from the body hits. close on a grate moving up from the floor. whistler emerges, rushing to blade's side. as he starts frantically releasing blade from his bonds, he looks to the ravaged door -- wham! the door gives way and nomak enters. to the right, he sees whistler and blade exiting. to the left, he sees the security monitors. damaskinos and stevens can be glimpsed in one of these monitors.