not that i'm in contact with. no -- does that mean i can't be a donor? how unusual? us? what are you talking about? vampires -- i fucking hate vampires. he smiles cruelly, the scar. seam in his chin just beginning to part. the woman gasps, turns to run -- is the enemy of my enemy my friend or my enemy? what do you think, blade? what am i to you? athelfiki singenia ex amato. lighthammer and -- whistler. if you survive this, tell your master. my end is my beginning. father! bursts into the lobby, roaring. if anything, he is even more animalistic now, his features having become grossly distorted. why are you frightened, father? the prodigal son has returned. lowers his head towards blade's face. the scar. seam in nomak's chin splits open and nomak's lower jaw flares apart, distending and widening to reveal the awful, glistening hell maw -- the hollow inner fangs and striated cartilage which are closing about blade's face. blade twists his head violently to the right, then glimpses the broken tip of his sword resting a few feet away. he reaches for it in desperation, plunging it up into nomak's chest. nomak howls. because the hilt has been broken off, blade is forced to grip the cutting edge of the weapon with his bare hands. it slices into his fingers -- blood brother.