lock up your daughters, people -- the dark knight returns. little toke of the smokage, b? fuck me! you got something in mind, blade? i don't know about this, man -- whistler. cool beans. nice to meet you, man. heard a lot. i'm josh frohmeyer. you can call me scud, though. that's what most people do. scud. the pimp-mobile? just made a few after market modifications. nitrous-oxide injection system, forged aluminum pistons and crankshaft, higher flowing fuel pump. fuck yeah. whole package'll crank this betty up another three-hundred horsepower. look, what's your problem? hey, you think i don't know what's at stake here? we practically compromised our whole operation to save your puckered old ass! and for what? motion sensors. looks like zone three. body temp's fifty so i'll guess suck head. i don't understand, i'm not getting anything on the surveillance cams. whoa, whoa, easy cowboy - i'm not trusting you with a weapon just yet. bullshit. this whole deal's giving me a serious case of the butt-willies. so you're going to do this? i'm worried about him. look, i know he's your friend, but just watch him, okay? nobody goes cold turkey from the thirst in a night. um, we've got company. loud and clear, b. everything's copacetic in the mystery van. how you doing, whistler? um, whistler, you out there? whistler? they're here!!!! uv headlights, c'mon, come on!!! fuckmefuckmefuckmefuckme!!!! use your entry lights! they can't stand the uv!!! ho-lee shit. good luck getting a stake through that. tweaked the phosphor rod, modified the collimated beam, wanna concentrate the light, get something like a uv laser going. yeah, but you didn't have the scudster working on it, did you? so how long have you known blade, anyway? blade doesn't talk about the old days much. i was backpacking. hooked up with these two chicks who were off to see the burning man festival. we were gonna take "e", have ourselves a little freeball out in the desert. you know the riff, "dear penthouse, i never thought this would happen to me, but --" anyway, halfway through our three's company marathon, janet and chrissy started taking chunks out of me. woulda died too if blade hadn't shown up and staked those mamacitas a new honeyhole. things kinda fell in place after that. took myself a few souvenirs, though. mmm-mmm. poppa's got a brand new bag. the powerpacks have a limited charge, maybe ten minutes of continuous use at most. uv flashbang grenades with plug-in phosphor sticks -- this is for the grand finale. wired together a couple-dozen of those puppies. but i'd be careful where you pop your load. might end up frying yourselves in the process. after last night? dude, i'm a lover, not a fighter. what's going on? nomak? you're wasting your time, blade. the flechette's a dud. it was never supposed to explode. all it was supposed to do was make you feel like you were in control. see, i'm one of damaskinos' familiars. yeah, your little cootchie knew. back when blade had me hunting down your puckered old ass. what's up with your hair, anyway? fucking willie nelson look-a-like? man, i so wanted to do that. and you. you never cared about me. i gave you everything. all you cared about was digging up the old fuck! you think they scoped out my security system? i let them in. dude, i practically gave 'em the fucking keys. i've been feeding damaskinos information the whole time. providing them with samples of your genetic material -- helping them with the reaper program. they're close, blade. right up against it. any day now, they're all going to be daywalkers. and when that happens, well, let's just say, i don't want to be on the losing team. you may be strong, you may be fast, but in the end, you're just too human, b. so that's down and dirty. got anything to say for yourself?