fuck you, day-walker, i ain't saying shit -- you won't stop him, blade. the tide's rising, the sleeper's gonna -- rises from the table, flinging curtis' twitching body aside. he curls his blood-soaked lips back, baring viper-like fangs, emitting a -- more -- blood -- hola, amigo. remember me? you took my arm, blade. but that's okay, i'm growing a new one -- nice, huh? think i'll ever play the piano again? you can slice him, you can dice him, and the man just keeps on coming. stay with me, sweetness, i'm not through with you yet. teak. nice craftsmanship. now here's a man who takes his job just a little too seriously, don't you think? which reminds me, blade, think i owe you one -- actually, if you want to get technical, i owe you two. what's so funny, bright eyes? springs forward, snagging blade's ankle with his "good" hand. the vampire's weight threatens to haul blade down. blade reaches to his back-scabbard, unsheathes his sword -- he took my fucking hand! again! we need to find him, tonight. we should finish him off. fucking waste, if you ask me. grew another hand for you sweetmeat -- -- and now i'm gonna kill you with it.