did you get your precious 'things'? police. police man. why don't you have a seat. enjoy the view. what's going on down there? when? whoops. hello, glad to meet you. can't thank you enough, mr. sebastian. if you hadn't come along. we're not used to the big city. where we come from it's not so easy to get lost. well stocked. i like a man who stays put. an admirable thing to be able to sustain yourself in these times. you live here all by yourself, do you? if it wouldn't be too much of a bother. a little bite to eat would be. well, actually charming. there's only three of us left. not if everybody is doing their job here at home. how are things at home? he knows what he's doing. mr. sebastian is a host who wants to be appreciated. we'll appreciate him and he'll cooperate. why are you staring at us? what, sebastian? nexus - 6. we can trust sebastian, ladies. he's been working with mechanisms all his life. he's a wizard and a very perceptive man. like what? we're not computers, sebastian, we're physical. very good, pris. now show him why. we have a lot in common. not only that, but we have smiliar problems. accelerated decrepitude. but we don't want to die quite yet. you could help us. if we don't find help soon, pris hasn't got long to live. what about your friend, the man who owns this building? tyrell could help us, sebastian. his company made us. be better if i could talk to him in person. but he's not an easy man to get to. when do you deliver your project? will you help us? i'm sure glad you found us, sebastian. what do you think, mary? pris? you're our best and only friend. the name is batty. roy batty. to act without understanding could lead to the very thing the act seeks to avoid. a little talk it all i need. yeah. it might be better if we talk in private, sebastian. why don't you go home. it's not an easy thing to meet your maker. can the maker repair what he makes? had in mind something a little more radical. death. i want more life, fucker. why? what about e.m.s. recombination? then a repressor protein that blocks the operating cells. but not to last. i am? i've done some questionable things. nothing the god of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for. could you tell me where the bathroom is? where? what's the point? you underestimate the trap, mary. where are you going, sebastian? no, you stay here with us. out last night together. think of yourself as a light, mary. shine before you're turned off. one man. he must be good. that wouldn't be very sporting. okay, but don't kill him. save a little for everybody. a masterpiece. turn out the lights, pris. you wanna play? not very sporting to fire on an unarmed opponent. i thought you were supposed to be good. aren't you the man?! this is how we do it up there, lad! come on! not hurt, are you? you better get it up or i'm going to have to kill you. unless you're alive you can't play. and if you don't play, you don't get to be alive. that's the spirit. straight doesn't seem to be good enough. you don't have a chance, do you? looks like i'm gonna have to scale it down for you. give you a handicap. i won't run through any more walls. okay? i promise to use the doors. okay? come on, let's use that brain! think! we need a little resilience around here! where are those balls of yours?! let's see a little bravery! that was irrational of me -- not to mention unsportsmanlike. won't happen again. i'll be down the hall when you're ready. where you going? no cheating. a promise is a promise. i'll honor the handicapped, but we gotta play on the top floor. you go get your laser gun now. and i'll give you a few seconds before i come. five! six! oh, i wonder where he is. not in here, i don't think. eight! maybe here. doesn't sound like it. nine! ten! one point for you. ho ho! try it again! what's wrong? don't you like me? i'm what we've made! what's wrong? aren't you a lover of faster, bigger and better?! it's time to die. ah! that's for you. stick it in your ear and push. if that doesn't work, try the eye. believe me, it'll be better for you than what i'm about to do. well? crap.