screen flashes back: this is esper and i'm ready. go ahead please. why, yes, of course. the five in question are third generation nexus sixes, constructed of skin-flesh culture, selected enogenic transfer conversion capable of self-perpetuating thought, para-physical abilities and developed for emigration program. are you with me? unlike a five, they can sustain massive traumas to several parts of the body without debilitating another. sever a leg and it will perform quicker on the remaining leg than the fastest man can run, i'm coming to that. vulnerable zone is the base of the skull, the occipital bone. a direct hit is a positive retirement. nexus designated leon: incept date april 10th, 2015 -- to be used in military experiments to determine how hyper metabolism functions in deep space. nexus designated batty incept data april 10th, 2015, combat model, level of self-sufficiency, optimum. here's something you might find interesting. they have been built to emulate the human in every way except in its emotional spectrum. however, after a period of time it is only logical that such a 'mechanism' would create its own emotional responses, hate, love, fear, anger, envy. what about a summary then. mr. deckard. do you have something against science? and what in your estimation works? four years. which would make her termination date. longevity is classified. no. nexus designated mary: incept november 1 2017, domestic conditioning non competitive, trained for day care position. nexus designated pris: incept data december 13 2017, competitive, programmed to provide pleasure for long term spacers. nexus designated zhora: incept june 13th 2017, athletic conditioning, highly competitive, special abilities in the entertainment field.