okay if i talk? i kinda get nervous when i take tests. sorry. already had i.q. test this year -- but i don't think i never had a. what one? what desert? but how come i'd be there? a tortoise. what's that? of course. i never seen a turtle. but i understand what you mean. you make these questions, mr. holden, or they write 'em down for you? whatcha mean, i'm not helping? somebody was already there. just a man. i think i have no money. but i would like to buy you drink. vodka! thank you very much. prosit. you want to see my friends? no problem. ya. two months. but this one is not guy. it is girl. his girl. usually blackie waits until igor is eating; then, when his back is turned, he tries to take advantage of anna. prosit. you never saw a cockroach make love? we will try. it must be that he is not hungry or maybe she is not hot. you like to kiss her goodbye. i like you. one more, eh? how come you know where zhora was so quick? how old am i? my birthday is april 10, 2015. how long do i live? more than you. painful to live in fear, isn't it. but that's how it is to be a slave. the future is sealed off, he grovels, he waits. sex, reproduction, security, the simple things. but no way to satisfy them. to be homesick with no place to go. potential with no way to use it. lots of little oversights in the nexus 6. i tell you, nothing is worse than having an itch you can never scratch.