scream if this hurts, chica. i can. forget it, king. let's move. they did. i'm the product of an earlier fling of my dad's, born out of wedlock. after the murders happened, he kept me hidden. he wanted me safe. away from all of this -- -- but i guess hunting just runs in our blood. when i came of age, i tracked my dad down, told him i wanted in. been doing it ever since. tiller needs adjustment. we need to pool our resources, blade. because he's come back. try six or seven thousand years. that's what we've been trying to figure out. bottom line is, we need a better dna sample to work with. we need dracula's blood. fibrin sealant foam, it's an elastic protein. help me spread the wound open. the foam should seal the hemorrhaging in his body cavity from within -- shut up, king. doesn't do us any good if we don't have time to finish it. we can't just sit here. we need to take the battle to them. god in heaven -- but where did you get all these people? are they aware? do they feel anything? king -- zoe -- where's zoe? where is she?! i'll be fine. it already has. since i can remember i've had this knife of sadness in my heart. as long as it stays there, i'm strong. i'm untouchable. but the moment i pull it out -- -- i'll die. we told you, blade. we operate in sleeper cells. when one goes down, a new cell activates to pick up the slack. you alright? zoe -- come on, hon. let's get you out of here. blade! blade!!! the virus didn't kill blade. but the authorities very well could have. so in the end, realizing that own his people were doomed, drake decided to give blade a gift.