whistler! i'm on the stonebridge overpass at clemons -- staked you with silver. why aren't you ash? how should i know? he was human. like i care? didn't realize this was a popularity contest. you worry too much, old man. what you've been worrying about. whistler! whistler!!! who --? whistler -- those were familiars -- people who worked for them -- an ass-hole. there's nothing to tell. they exist. you're with them -- a familiar -- he's one of them! damnit, he's working for them! call me that again and i'll give you fucking brain damage. i can't shoot around corners! my sword. they still have it. now we can go. who are you people? i thought the vampires murdered whistler's family. how do you bankroll this place? you sound like rejects from a saturday morning cartoon. how many of you are there total? sorry. never been much of a team player. and what makes you think you know so much about killing vampires? why? you gotta be kidding me. so the movies are true? how early? why wake up drake now? like what? so what's been holding you back? explosive rounds? how? time to apply some pressure. the weak link in the vampire chain of command has always been their familiars. vampires can't go out in the day, so they get humans to do their dirty work for them blood-running, safe house maintenance, whatever -- we bleed the wanna-be vampires, they'll lead us to the real thing. want another spin, ass-hole? eventually, your head's gonna pop off. who's your handler? payback, vance. why did you kill vance? i wouldn't know about that. how can you exist in the daylight? that's why they brought you back. you're not immortal. i must've heard a hundred of you people make the same claim. and every one of them's seen the end of my sword. what's that? -- and we need his blood to kill them. how's this weapon of yours coming along? there's something bad inside of me. this keeps it from getting out. good question. we'll check it out. doing a little moonlighting, chief? c'mere. we need to talk. now spill it, bite-boy. what's back there? thanks. what's behind door number one? so will i. but i'll enjoy it more. what was this place? the vampire final solution. look at this! is this the future you want? you think there's a place for you in their world? there's me. go. you've got thirty seconds. let's go. use it. use it. use it!!! you alright? don't let it turn inward. where are you taking us? been ready since the day i was born, mother-fucker.