book us a flight, hale. time to take these cowboys down. got him. lock it down! keep them contained! take him down! rise and shine, sleepyhead. special agents ray cumberland and wilson hale, fbi. we've been tracking you for a long time. how many people have you killed? thirty? forty? a hundred? and by "them" you mean vampires, right? i suppose next you'll be telling us that bigfoot's in on the conspiracy too? so what kills these bloodsu~kers, tough guy? maybe you can give us some pointers. you can stake 'em, right? then there's sunlight -- what about crosses, wilson? do those still work? that's a good point. and does garlic work on a hindu vampire? or do you need saffron or something? you can keep doing your song and dance as long as you want, blade, but it's not going to play. you're a stone-cold killer. and you're sick as fuck. that's unacceptable. this man's wanted in connection with a laundry list of federal crimes. i need him on a plane to the detention center in washington tonight. just hold it right there -- he's getting away!