night-time's too tricky, grimwood. you know that. cuneiform. dates back about four thousand years. because this was the cradle of civilization. he would've been comfortable here. what's he been doing? hendrix, if he wanted to out of there - there isn't an army in the world that could keep us safe. we didn't capture him. he allowed us to take him in. you understand? now open up. your people need you, sire. times have changed. science has made great strides. your blood, the sacrament you provide -- it can set us free now. i understand. let him out -- he wants to see what's become of his world. hi. we're here to transfer a patient to county general? easy, lover. you're not going anywhere. we moved the humans around like, pawns, blade. used them to flush you out. don't make this any harder than it has to be. you're all alone, blade. no one can help you now. king! fucking hannibal king! i should've ripped his ripped his bleeding heart out when i had the chance! and don't you dare tell me "i told you so"! blow me. we can raze their cities to the ground. we can bring the old world back. i can't. that's impossible -- old habits -- i was a good catholic school girl once. and what are your sins? would you care to confess them? why? poor little king. you look so distraught. you're tasting a little bland, lover. not getting enough fatty acids in your diet? have you tried mackerel? lake trout? oh, there'll be time to play doctor later, believe me. but for now, we need to have a little talk. tell us about this bio-weapon you've been building. you're brave, king, i'll give you that. but underneath all your swagger -- -- i know what you really fear. what would hurt you more than anything else. you don't want to go back to being one of us -- -- do you? i'm going to bite you again, king. and then i'm going to leave you here while you turn. i'm going to watch you, day after day, while the thirst keeps building and building. and then, when you can't stand it anymore -- -- i'm going to bring the little girl for you to feed on. would you like that, king? would you enjoy taking her life? now we're getting somewhere, my pet. excuse me? okay, king, where did they put this tracking node of yours? enough! it's not funny anymore! and what happens then, lover? king!!! i was that bad, huh? no bullets in your gun, king.