in the window -- you sell vampire merchandise? this world sickens me. the humans have soiled it with their filth. come closer. and do you know why? once, all of my kind could brave the day. we were true predators. the world was ours. and then, somewhere along the way, the purity of our bloodline became diluted. polluted with human dna. is it? you are bastard children. no longer as pure as you pride yourselves on being. my people. how far you have fallen. so you're the hunter they all fear. just so we understand each other, daywalker. he'd outlived his purpose. he'd become a liabi1ity. your sword -- i've seen that hilt before. eight or nine centuries ago. the hunter who carried it was an accomplished fighter. he was honorable, in his own way. he died a good death. you lie. you're part of a grand tradition, blade. you hunters have plagued my people since the day we first walked the earth. and i have vanquished them. one by one. i've always been able to. haven't you read mr. stoker's fable? i was the first of the vampires. i am unique. yes. my children seek to isolate the properties in my blood that make me immune to sunlight. through me, they believe they can all become daywalkers. the world's changed much since i went to sleep. how crowded it's become. look at them down there. lives brief as fireflies. do you think they can ever grasp what it means to be immortal like us? perhaps i will as well, then. but i think it's more likely that you will fall before mine. catch. why do you wear that -- symbol? i was there when they crucified him. he died -- for their sins, not mine. too numerous to remember. take it off. i'll make you a better one. there's an old saying -- kill one man, you're a murderer. kill a million, a king. kill them all, a god. do you know who i am? the nome king. i like that. tell me, child. do you want to die? there is no heaven. no god. no angels. no happy ending for good little girls. the only thing you have to look forward to is nothingness. but what if you could change that? what if you could remain a child forever? what if you could keep this little doll- like face of yours until the sun itself cooled to a cold, hard rock? wouldn't you like that? wouldn't you accept that gift? are you ready to die, blade? then allow me to accommodate you. well done, hunter. well done. you fought with honor -- -- as i knew you would. the humans are coming for you, you know. in their eyes, you and i are the same. allow me one last indulgence, then -- -- a parting gift --