yes. i've long believed that in order to achieve true health, we have to reconcile the body and the mind. of course that also requires letting go of a lot of our old notions and superstitions, which is what my work is all about. monsters provide a means for us to transfer our more primal and darker urges into something external. in the case of vampires, you're dealing with taboo issues like predatory rage and sexual sadism. these are scary subjects for people to own up to. exactly. historically, people suffering from medical conditions have always been our psychological scapegoats. in the middle ages schizophrenia was often attributed to demonic possession. well, there's a hereditary blood disease known as porphyria that has symptoms remarkably similar to the classic vampiric traits. people suffering from this disease are anemic, they become sensitive to sunlight, they can't tolerate garlic -- blade is a very disturbed individual. even the name he's chosen for himself is troubling. according to witnesses, he operates under the belief that a vast conspiracy of vampires live amongst us. you have to look at the psychiatric underpinnings here. what does a person like blade really want? odds are, he's really trying to work out some kind of inner trauma. he thinks he's slaying monsters, but he's really trying to murder aspects of himself. let's leave the diagnosis to the professionals. hello, blade. my name is doctor vance. i'm with the department of mental health. i've been charged with conducting a psychiatric evaluation of you. gentleman, would you mind giving us a few moments alone? i imagine this must be very frightening for you. but i want you to know that i'm here to help. in order to do that, however, i need to ask you some questions. now. can you tell me what day it is? what about the president? do you know who's in the white house at the moment? alright then, let's talk about vampires -- what can you tell me about that? and are you one of them? what about blood? when you drink it, do you find yourself sexually aroused? you see, it strikes me that this business of vampirism has strong connotations of sexual confusion. bodily fluids being exchanged, that sort of thing. you have to ask where that comes from. i'm wondering, for instance, what your relationship was like with your mother. were the two of you close? he's psychotic, with paranoid features, possessing dangerous levels of sociopathy. he's exhibiting disorganized behavior. he obviously doesn't have a properly formed conscience -- for his safety and the public's, i'm recommending that he be transferred to county psychiatric for further treatment. agent cumberland, that man is in no condition to undergo prosecution. i'm sorry, gentlemen, but the call has already been made. a team from the hospital should be here momentarily to oversee the transfer. just a little something to keep you compliant. the normal dose is two, maybe three hundred milligrams. but for a strapping young hybrid like yourself -- -- i think we'll kick it up to a couple thousand. there. that wasn't so bad, was it? you're weak, aren't you? in need of your serum. who would've guessed a mere human like myself could overpower you? going on five years now. it's the end-game, blade. all their plans are finally coming to fruition. so just sit back and enjoy the show. this is dr. vance. did someone page me? i'm dr. vance. welcome to our facility. as a member of the medical profession i want to assure you that i will do everything in my power ro provide you with the care and compassion that you deserve. what does it mean to be human? since the dawn of creation our ancestors have asked ourselves that question. the modern world today is filled with countless challenges. in every direction we look, toxic stressors are impacting upon our happiness. we think we're healthy, but the truth is, our immune systems are engaged in a life or death struggle to maintain our well being. now, i'd like to take a moment to exolain how a series of remarkable new breakthroughs can immeasurably improve the quality of your life what --?