what are you bitching about now? i forgot some of my stuff. hey, they're ralph laurens. and who's this interesting looking fellow? i do fine, adam. how 'bout yourself? you doin' any good? shana gillroy's apartment. remember her? the model who went to harvard? well, i better get going! bye, adam. nice coat! well, well, well. don't we clean up nice? not bad. but i do miss that green sport coat of yours. how 'bout a drink at the bar? it's all yours. you know, i don't know. and looking at you, i don't care. it's been too long, eve. oh, brother. what?! shallow? i'm shallow?! yeah. before i kick your ass. do ya? i guess we shouldn't fight in here. maybe we shouldn't fight at all. fighting is pretty immature. eve? i'm leaving. well, good night, everyone.