for pete's sake, calvin! we've got guests! well, put it down and come in! hi, betty! dave! any day now! oh, hi! welcome! oh, please don't bring that up! we'll do this again! maybe next week. here's your hat. could i wrap something up for you? did you have a coat? time? oh, no calvin. it's not time yet. i still have-- calvin i'm sure everything's going to be all right. i just know it is! well, i'm certainly not going to let the pot roast go to waste. could you just put that seat cover back on that lawn chair? did you rig it to do that? you're so clever. i never know anymore. yes. calvin, i wish you would have at least let me do the dishes. it's not going to be that easy getting all that dried- on food off my nice plates. cheese is particularly troublesome. oh, much worse. but not as bad as that mexican jumping bean dip. you remember that? how long will we have to stay down here? days?? but, what if i go into labor? that could happen any time. now you listen to me calvin webber, when this baby comes, you're going to be out in the waiting room smoking yourself to death with all the other fathers. as long as we've got that straight. to you maybe. what was that?! yes, i think so. what's that noise? the locks? thirty -five years! it's safe. to go up. no. all our friends. i'm not hungry. no, calvin, you're favorite. maybe i've just got the creeps. no. no! calvin, this is different! believe me! you have tranquilizers? oh, no. uh, oh. now it's time. no, calvin. babies cry. what shall we call him? and i was wondering. if. if i could have a. if i. you know. i want a bedroom ceiling. calvin?! we looked all over for you. what are you doing back here? why? very nice. unless it caved in, too. watch this! go to daddy, adam. go to daddy. yes, he's very bright, dear. much like his father. but you know, calvin, maybe he's a little. young for school. oh, calvin, i'm not sure we should be making promises that perhaps can't be kept. boys! excuse me, but i believe it's my turn. adam? hi. calvin! get the presents and do the lights. make a wish! no kidding. who else would have done it? what did you wish for, adam? oh, that's just a bunch of baloney! we never believed that in my family! oh. a nice one, i hope. calvin webber! what a thing to say! let's eat our cake. elbows, son. you never know. you may someday dine at the white house with the president. yes. would you excuse me? oh, yes. it just fascinates me how all these things work. just open the door. (barely a whisper, but definitely tired of his yes, yes it is! yes! that's right! mutants?! no. i don't believe it! oh my. oh,my, oh my, oh, my. so, what do we do now? we do? excuse me. for how long? we've just about run out of everything! no, calvin. we're not going to make do. not me! not adam. we're going up no matter what! we deserve it. even if it's terrible! i want him to at least see the sky! and the ocean! a mountain range! oh, no! oh, my goodness! let's get him into the bedroom. he seems to be doing all right now. i don't know if he's had a heart attack or just. a horrifying experience. but we need supplies and i've got to stay with him. i'm afraid you've got to. you're my brave boy. just act normal. if anybody asks, simply say you're from out-of-town, and that you're in town on business. write that down. i don't know how far you'll have to travel to find supplies, but if you can't get home by nightfall, i want you to look for something called a holiday inn. write that down. it's a hotel. there might still be one standing. let's get you packed. i just hope this is still good up there. yes? oh, adam,that would be wonderful if you could find a girl. one who's not a mutant. and hopefully comes from pasadena. nothing against valley girls, but in my day anyhow, the girls from pasadena, i don't know. always just seemed a little nicer. oh, there's also a thing called a liquor store. write that down. here's the shopping list and $3,000 which should take care of everything. your father has a few final words for you. you know, he'd fight a buzz saw for you - he loves you so much. we both do. thank you, calvin. thank you very much. yes, dear, i know. amen. i'm the mother. are you in trouble, son?! a psychiatrist?! my goodness! how bad is it up there?! how long will you set it for this time? well, that's. considerably shorter than before. i was wondering, calvin, why set the locks at all. i mean the radiation is gone and. well, please excuse us! we. we haven't entertained a guest in. um. what can i offer you, eve? what? of course. no, wait! at least stay for dinner! oh, yes! please, don't mention the communists! eve. i hope i'm not being nosey, but are you and adam. um. dating? oh, my goodness! we almost forgot! i like your friend, adam. this is your bedroom? well, where are you -- no. it's wonderful, dear! wonderful!!