hi. how--how much do you want for the mickey mantle, rookie season? really? no kidding? i see what ya mean. tell you what. i'll give you five hundred dollars in small bills for the whole box. well, we're here to help! i'm workin' here, evey-poo. don't screw me up. terrific. you're fired! you know that?! oh, no! i fired ya! just like the hair salon guy and the chevy dealer! you know why you can't keep a goddamn job?! because you can't keep your goddamn mouth shut! that's why! oh, you got a problem with that? hah! adam and eve! the perfect match! i hope you two will be very happy together! mazel-fuckin'-tov! don't try coming back, ms. big shot! i'm serious this time! you're finished in the hobby business! take that to the bank, why don'tcha! hey, smart ass, how 'bout i kick your butt?