you bet, mom! coming up! uh. yeah. it's like hard. um. uh. oh, man. i'm like not sure i like that. could i, like. oh, wow. like,uh. yeah! yeah, that's it! cool. all of these things. alcoholics anonymous. cocaine anonymous. heroin anonymous. shut up! all of these things. ask you to believe in a power greater than yourself! some sort of god on high! well. i have lifted my eyes skyward a time or two. and i have certainly not seen anything coming from up there except a goddamn airplane -- that i can't afford to get on! let her come! let's get this over with! and please, if there is a god, let it be worse in bel air!! oh, god! oh, god!! oh,god, save me!! for i have seen the light!! yes! yes! oh, lord! yes, oh, yes! but where is the one who came last night -- all in yellow?! ooooohhhh!! of course! the father! forgive me!! can you forgive me for my wasted life?! everything has been so awful!! yes. of course you do. i'll stay here and pray. no. i don't need money anymore -- i see that now. the front door is open. will you be back? who are you?! it's the mother!! give us a sign! that's all we ask! give us some sort of sign! archbishop melker. we met earlier. it happens. horrible. i know. praise the lord. and i mean the real one.