eve! this guy is un-be-liev-able! darlin', this is x-file stuff! think about it! the guy's got all this easily negotiable property. he's obviously setting something up very big. like a self-sustaining island off the coast of south america, for instance. or perhaps he's the head of a cult that's doing weird things with poultry and pipe tobacco. i've heard worse. i do? well, thank you! you like ceilings? well, i hope you like these! fresh sea urchin wrapped in seaweed. or "nori" if you prefer. i love sushi. you nut! dinner in fifteen minutes. why don't we sit and chat. so, adam. where on earth are you from? and it's called? really? since when? oh, yes. well, dionne warwick, guess his home town. oh, my god. that's right? she's right?! why not just go to. nome for supplies and a wife? isn't that closer? well, we try. listen, let me just ask you a few questions. when did alaska become a state? who use to own it? when did we get it from them? what's the capitol? hello! it's anchorage! gotcha! yeah. what are you talking about? this is the new mac. you a hacker? you don't have a computer in your cabin? how do you get through those winters? well, you're right. juneau. what's the highest peak? okay, maybe she is psychic. let's go eat! yeah? he's a windows guy then, huh? well, i think windows stink. what do you think of that? true. but first, you have to start with the clothes! i don't know. you're serious, aren't you? it means that your taste in men's apparel is as bad as your taste in men. i'm sorry. but if the shoe fits. i see "elegant." that's what i'm sensing. not on him. why not? he has great pants. okay. alright, i will. what do you think, adam? isn't it a little tiring to sit up straight like that? almost all of them. the recovery? oh , yeah! hey, they rebuilt the freeway in six months. well, what do you think? let me show you the entire trousseau! how 'bout it, eve? can he skate around your block? he's from alaska. that's why little things mean so much to him. what?! he wanted to hear some standards! miss rustokov refuses to let total strangers drive her car. what?! bored even. vaguely bored! be loose. always good advice. he's from alaska! eve?! adam, i think for you, we should go for "sweet." um. eve? ah-ha! there's " miss sweet." at the hors d'oeuvres table! yes! lying is always a very effective dating tool. i'm not sure i want to watch this. you know, he's a very, very good-- must you. what in the hell is wrong with you?!! right here? well, you're being so bossy i wasn't sure! uh. he might of. we did not leave together. what's it to you?! hey, you're the psychic. eve, the psychic pimp. you tell me. yeah. but who's not a slut these days? to bed. yeah. i'm not the one who's in love with the guy. yes, you do. uh, yes, you do. yes, you do! you know, i asked him about that. and he said that good manners are a way we have of showing other people that we respect them. see, you'd eat like a slob if you were alone, but since another human being is present, you show that person respect by going to the trouble of having proper manners. i didn't know that. i thought it was a way of appearing superior. know what else he told me? he thinks that i am a gentleman and that you are a lady! exactly! i thought a gentleman was somebody who owned horses. turns out, the short and very simple definition of a gentleman or a lady is: someone who always attempts to make the people around him or her feel as comfortable as possible. that's it! if you don't do that, nothing else matters. the cars, the clothes, the houses. from the oddest place. his parent's told him. i don't think i got that memo. he didn't leave with them. he left with sophie. it's true. she swept him out the door whispering little french things into his ear. what are you going to do? go over to her place and kick in the door? i don't think so. gentleman coward, to you. goddamn, adam! i'm sorry. i took the lord's name in vain again, didn't i? i'm so sorry. without question, the strangest man i've ever met. how 'bout we check with eve first? so, did you buy a movie? a magazine? a toy perhaps? in the bookstore. i know what you mean! i usually wear a big hat and dark glasses. yeah. seems to. good-bye, adam. i know. i know. you did the right thing. what?! adam, you really shouldn't try to drive that truck! bye, adam! what? oh. well, you're. certainly welcome! let's all just try to remain calm. that's the key thing. i guess he took what he could. fallout shelter. this it? what do you want to do with it? and if we can't find him? hey, eve? eve? what's wrong? see these? found them in the box with the cards. these are stock certificates. ibm. at&t. polaroid. thanks, jason. millions upon millions upon millions! the cards. the stock! the clothes! the toothpaste! the guy was on the level! and you blew it! a man walks into your life who is the kindest, most polite, honest, trustworthy, incredibly rich guy you have ever met in your life!! and what do you do?! yeah! that's thinking. i don't know. i like to think so. to get some frozen poultry. we came back to the house! no. no, wait a minute. we stopped at a porno store. an adult bookstore. he was very excited about seeing it. you think home is under a dirty bookstore in the valley? trendy address. none of this stuff was here in 1962. the valley was mostly small homes and fruit orchards. yeah. maybe he'll call. hi. troy and eve are out so leave a message. and if you want to leave a number don't say it fast! i hate that! say it slow. thank you. where?! oh, i think not.